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        NICO BRINGS BACK A BUCK. He breaks through the treeline with it hauled over his shoulder.

        You and Mithun sit by the waterfall opposite him, watching as Nico carries it effortless. He heads to a near by tree and hangs it, pulling a knife from the back of his pants.

        You look away before you see what he was intending to do with it.

        Hunting didn't bother you as much as it did many years ago. You'd grown desensitized to it from all the trips you'd taken Mith on. That didn't mean you wanted to watch it willingly, however.

        "What do you think of my Dad?" Mithun asks you quietly.

        You stare down into the crystal-clear water in front of you. "He's kind," you list, tone genuine. "Strong." Handsome. "He seems like a good man."

        He heaves a sigh of relief. "I think so too." Eyes cut from you to Nico and then back again.

        Rinse. Repeat.

        You breathe a laugh, knowing what he wanted. "Go on. Go help him."

        He presses a kiss to your cheek and jumps up. "You're the best!"

        A pang shoots through you, your smile bittersweet. You hope he doesn't forget that.

        And you wonder if you'll get used to sharing his attention.

༓・*˚*・༓☾ WYIFH ☽༓・*˚*・༓

        As night falls the temperature drops, but unlike the last week, you barely feel it.

        The cave contains the warmth of the fire. The glow of it highlights the walls, fighting the darkness at the entrance attempting to creep in.

        It was about as big as your house. . .which meant it was actually quite small. Enough room to fit the three of you and the fire with enough space between you and the flames that you didn't roast.

        Mithun non-stop asks his father questions. Nico is more than happy to feed his curiosity.

        "What is your pack like?"

        Nico sits a bit straighter at the mention of his people, his posture proud. "Strong. Loyal. The best of the best. My brother is our alpha - Your uncle. He adored you when you were a pup. Treated you as if you were his own. Hell, everyone did. You have no idea how loved you are."

        "My Uncle is in charge?" Mith breathes, sounding as if it was the coolest thing he'd ever heard.

        "Yes," Nico chuckles at his pups awe-struck expression.

        "What is your. . .your rank?" he asks next.

        "I'm his enforcer and his second which means should anything happen to him, I'm next in line."

        "Does he have children?"

        "No," Nico shakes his head and hesitates. "Rian did have a mate. Her name was Melindra. But she was killed by a nest of vampires seven years ago and Rian swore he'd never love again."

        Gods. What an awful thing to experience.

        The pain on Nico's face is too much and you avert your gaze. He must have known her, or witnessed what his brother went through.

        "I'm sorry that happened," Mith says, so softly, your heart clenched with it. "We lost someone close to us, too."

        Nico nods in acknowledgement. "Jessabelle, right? I remember you telling me."

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