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        YOU AND JESSABELLE snuck the pup back to your house once it was completely dry. The little one was content enough to nuzzle against your chest and drift back to sleep.

        Neither of you wanted Fredrick overhearing. He'd call the guards without a second thought and they'd show the pup no mercy.

        Savages, the lot of them.

        "How?" Jessabelle wondered out loud, her coat unbuttoned revealing her off-white smock dress which reached her toes and a large, singular pocket stitched onto the front. The material - stained and muddied at the bottom - brushed against your floor as she paced between your wooden sofa and fireplace.

        You put the pup in the middle cage of your cabinet, capturing a glimpse of – okay so it's a boy – as it limped towards the back and sniffed in a circle before settling down.

        Apparently, he was still tired. Which was a good thing really.

        Less likely to get all bitey.

        You closed the door and latched it.

        "I don't know," you admitted.

        "Shifters would never leave their own behind."

        "No," you agreed, staring - simply staring at him.

        "Could he have been lost? Have their pack been attacked and he escaped?" she gasped out your name. "What if – what if they're searching for it and they come here?"

        "Him," you corrected, finally tearing your gaze away. You turned and faced her, shaken. "I've never seen one before. I've only ever seen drawings in my books."

        "Me neither. I just assumed it was a wolf's cub." Guilt washed over her features. "I'm so sorry. I wouldn't have asked for your help had I known."

        You frowned at her, at hearing that. "Don't say that. I would have helped him anyway."

        Jessabelle paused and then gave you a sheepish smile. "Yes. I suppose I would have also."

        You mirrored her before clasping your hands together and putting a plan in place. "I'm going to need mistletoe."

        Her face was filled with realisation. "Oh! Of course. I'll grab some from the market first thing."

        You nodded, grateful. "Remember, it has to be-"

        "Doused in holy water. I know."

        "We'll put up signs where we found him," you said next. 

        "Good idea." She was no longer pacing. "Let them know we're not a threat and are looking after him."

        "Yes. Once he's better we can take him out there once a week. Wait for his pack. Hopefully...they'll be grateful enough not to eat me." You frowned, making a face. "Assuming the pup doesn't try that first."

        "He seems content with you. They say animals can sense things. I imagine that instinct is even stronger in shifters."

        "That's true," you dipped your chin before sighing. "He's going to need meat. Fresh."

        You didn't have any in the house, only dog food, which would feel like an insult somehow.

        She hesitated. "Fredrick went hunting yesterday. I dried the meat, but it should get him through until morning?"

       "That'll be great. Thank you, Jessabelle," you said gratefully. "He'll-he'll have to hunt." You paled at the thought. "If his pack don't come for him. I'll have to. . ."

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