13| Twenty-One

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New Port, 03 October 2012

"Happy birthday Grace!" Owen and Debbie almost shouted as she came down the stairs. Grace smiled at the balloons and make-shift banner her siblings had put up.

"Thank you" She said softly giving each of them a hug

"Come on, we got you a presents and Debbie made you a cake" Owen said excited as he dragged his sister into the kitchen, where two presents sat wrapped up in yesterdays newspaper. "Open mine first" Owen smiled handing Grace a the small thin package. She shook her head at her brothers excitement before opening the gift that felt like paper in her hands. She smiled brightly at the baseball card after taking it out of it's wrapping "This one is my favorite Gracey, so I think you should have it" 

Grace smiled at the gesture, Owen walked around with that card in his pocket day in and day out. Other people would think it was a ridiculous gift but not Grace, the gift was more meaningful than anything she had ever received. 

"My turn" Debbie said handing her the second gift that was slightly smaller and thicker than Owens

"Thanks Debs" Grace smiled ripping open the newspaper, inside was a small box that was painted purple and inside the box was a pair of silver studded earrings. 

"These are gorgeous, thank you Debbie" Grace smiled giving both her siblings a hug before Debbie dished them some of the cake she had made. 

"This isn't very good Debbie" Owen said pulling a face as he spat out eggshells that were embedded into the cake. 

"It's the thought that counts" Grace said looking at Owen "Thank you Debs" 

Grace couldn't help the sad feeling she carried around with her that morning as she walked with Owen down the road to his friends house, Debbie had left a few minutes before them, going to spend the day at the beach with a boy she had a crush on. As Grace walked back home she made a wish and she wished with all of her might that her mother would return, at least just for the day, so she could be wrapped up in one of her hugs and feel safe but she was not that lucky, she realised that when she got home and Frank sat on the couch with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. 

"Where the fuck have you been?" Frank snapped as Grace closed the door behind her

"I took Owen to one of his friends" She said softly as her heart rate increased 

"And who the fuck said he could go?" Frank shouted causing Grace to jump as he stormed closer to her 

"I-I didn't think it would be a problem" She said as tears welled in her hazel eyes 

"You don't every fucking think!" He snapped bringing the back of his had down smaking her through the face, the tears had come down her cheeks automatically as her cheek stung, there was nothing she could say, she knew there was nothing that would stop Frank so she took a deep breath as Frank continued his assault.

"You're just like your useless mother!" He screamed punching her this time, Grace lost her balance but Frank caught her lifting her by her hair as he continued to punch her, she felt blood gushing from her nose, everything burned and hurt but he didn't stop, he continued to hit her over and over again until darkness enveloped her.

New York City, 03 October 2017 

Grace shot up gasping from the memory/dream. She looked around the room, the sun had already began seeping into the large floor to ceiling windows and Victor had no longer been in bed with her. She got up going into the bathroom as she turned on the shower and began stripping the sweat soaked t-shirt from her body. Although the nightmares were a constant thing at least this one was different to her usual one where she killed Frank, this one made her almost glad she killed Frank. She stepped into the shower, washing the dream from her body three times over, before drying off and changing into a pair of light wash denim jeans and a white long-sleeved shirt, before making her way out into the living room where Victor sat in front of his laptop with a deep scowl on his face that disappeared the instant he saw her. Being away from her had an unfavorable effect on him, it was as if he couldn't breathe without her, it still felt like he couldn't. Every moment he was away from her felt like he was walking barefoot on hot coal. 

"Good morning tesoro" Victor said pulling Grace down into his lap

"Good morning" She blushed, still not used to the amount of physical contact between them.

"Happy birthday" He said spreading kisses up her jaw to the base of her ear "I have a present for you" He smiled against her skin before handing her a small velvet box from the pocket of his suit jacket. Grace smiled taking the box from him, she opened it revealing a pair of diamond earrings in the shape of a flower. One small diamond in the middle and five teardrop shaped diamonds making up the petals. 

"These are beautiful" She smiled brightly " Thank you Victor" She kissed his cheek quickly. 

"Do you like them?" He asked unsure if she would, Grace wasn't a material person so buying something for her was way out of Victors league and plus there wasn't a diamond in the world that could do her beauty justice. 

"I really do" She smiled 

"Good, let's go before I change my mind" He said standing and placing Grace on her feet

"Where are we going?" She asked as Victor took her hand 

"Shopping, you need to find a dress" He said as they walked 

"What for?" 

"We've been invited to a ball" He said holding the door open for her. "Every year the mafia boss here in New York hosts a ball, it's a way for different mafia's to meet and establish alliances. We'll attend this year since I've blown it off for the past two years." Victor explained. 

Grace swallowed the sudden lump in her throat, she didn't enjoy the party Victor had at his house back in New Port, well apart from their first kiss. Being in a room full of dangerous men still didn't sit well with her and she didn't think it ever would but she knew as Victors wife this is what she signed up for.

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