Chapter 23: Hey Jude

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It was officially 6 PM, and sunrise was approaching rapidly. Donavan and Joffrey arrived at the predetermined meeting spot where we had planned to meet the leaders. I sent Eyevan home, thanking him for his hard work, and promised to contact him when I needed him again. Donavan, growing impatient, decided to call me. I answered the phone and informed him that I was running late, suggesting he start the meeting without me. Joffrey, whose sole responsibility was setting up the meeting, explained to Donavan how it would unfold and wished him luck before preparing to drive away when Donavan gets out.

As Donavan stepped out of the car, numerous Nocturnals members emerge from the shadows surrounding them both, they realized they were in immediate danger. Some of the members were executives, and one of them menacingly shouted at Joffrey, reminding him that leaving the Nocturnals meant certain death. With that chilling declaration, every member they had brought began attacking both Donavan and Joffrey.

Donavan relayed the chaotic situation to me over the phone, expressing his need for backup or at least a call to the police. Finally, I decided to disclose the truth to him. "Backup isn't coming. We're currently on our way to a dock on the outskirts of town to rescue Nancy. You've been an exceptional assistant, Donavan. Good luck—I hope you make it through," I said, before abruptly hanging up, hoping he would find a way to survive.

After my conversation with Joffrey, I realized I was willing to do whatever it took to reclaim Nancy. My resolve had changed, and I was now prepared to even stoop low enough to even betraying my friends if it meant saving Nancy, starting with Joffrey.

Joffrey was a highly wanted man, and many sought to capture him. I saw an opportunity to use him as a bargaining tool. So, four hours ago, I called Peter, hoping his number was still active—and to my surprise, it was.

Peter assured me that Nancy was safe and that he wouldn't be so cruel as to keep me in the dark about her well-being. However, he made it clear that I would never see her again and urged me not to call his number. I quickly pleaded with him not to hang up, revealing that the Nocturnals were after Joffrey and desired him even more than Nancy. This caught Peter's attention, and he inquired about my proposition. I suggested that I would disclose Joffrey's location in exchange for Nancy's return. Peter was intrigued and pleased with the deal, agreeing without hesitation. However, he added one condition—once his team confirmed they had captured Joffrey, Nancy would be returned. I reluctantly agreed to his terms, sealing the deal.

Meanwhile, Donavan and Joffrey were fiercely battling the Nocturnals, fighting for their lives. Mona and I headed to the meeting spot to retrieve Nancy. I fabricated a sense of urgency, informing Mona that we couldn't wait at the meeting spot because I had just discovered where Nancy was being held. Mona suggested calling for additional help, but I insisted there was no time and that I was certain Donavan and Joffrey had already reached the spot. So, we hurried to the dock to commence our meeting with Peter.

Upon arrival, we found the pier empty, except for Peter and the unconscious Nancy. I noticed Peter was heavily bandaged, and his usual throne was absent. Most importantly, Nancy was bound by magical restraints, seemingly unaware of her surroundings. Peter grew upset at the sight of Mona, but I brushed it off, explaining that she was there for additional support if needed. I demanded Nancy's release, acknowledging that what had happened was done, and Peter should fulfill his end of the deal, but refuses too until he's heard word from his men that they have him. As we all sit there in silence a couple of minutes pass and Peters radio finally goes off. The man on the other line informs him that the information I provided is true and they are about to capture Joffrey. Peter lets out a ecstatic cheer like he just won't the jackpot then turns his gaze to me unfazed and says
"I almost forgot.....a deal is a deal" Reluctantly, he handed me Nancy's wand and cut the ropes, freeing her. Due to her weakened state, I supported Nancy as we made our way towards the exit. Before leaving, Peter made one final declaration, warning us that if we ever crossed paths again, he wouldn't be as merciful. I responded with a nod, accepting his challenge. As we turned to leave, Mona expressed her confusion about the situation, and I promised to fill her in once we reached the car. Together, we exited the building.

As I opened the door, a colossal man, standing at 7 feet tall and wide, bald, and dressed in an expensive pinstripe suit, blocked our path. Politely, I requested that he moves his jumbo-sized-deodorant-stick-looking-ass out of our way but surprisingly my words only seemed to enrage him further.

I glanced at Peter, trembling with fear, as he musters up the courage to ask "father why are you here and not at the main base? You know that place can't run properly without you on the helm." Without hesitation, the giant man kicks Peter in the chest, launching him across the room, demolishing everything in his path until he collides with a wall.

Confusion washed over me until It finally dawns on me that Peter's father, Elon Jobs, was not only the CEO of Starlight Company, my father's rival company, but also the leader of the Nocturnals. Talk about a family drama.

While Peter endured the brutal assault from his father, he begged and pleaded for him to stop, revealing that he had acted not only for the Nocturnals but also for their family. But Elon remained unmoved, criticizing Peter for calling him "father" instead of "boss."

As Peter neared the brink of death, I made my way to the door, intending to escape the chaotic scene. Turning to Mona, I signaled that we needed to run. However, she defied my instruction, pointing her wand directly at Elon and casting a spell.

Mona trembled with fear, fully aware of Elon's immense power. Astonishingly, Elon emerged unscathed, bursting into laughter, deeming Mona's attempt cute but unsuccessful.

Mona threatened Elon once again, warning him to stop, or she would unleash even more magic on to him. While Elon was momentarily distracted by Mona's challenge, Peter seized the opportunity. He pulled out his wand and pushed Elon away as hard as he could. Peter stood tall, pointing his wand at his father, ready to fight. The odds were in our favor. Though badly injured, Peter, with Mona's assistance, had a fighting chance against Elon.

They both began working together to fight Elon and their harmony couldn't be any better.
They work so perfectly together in unison it's almost like they've been fighting alongside each other for years. As Elon's patience wore thin. He shouted at Peter, offering him one last chance to cease his defiance and return to his side. Elon reminded Peter of his position within the Nocturnals and his own immense power. He questioned whether Peter believed he and his "street rat" companion could possibly have a chance of killing him. Elon then warned that if he survived and escaped, Peter would become a wanted man, pursued by the Nocturnals constantly just like the Brimstones. He offered Peter a final opportunity—to help capture McGill Brimstone and he would forget this act of defiance ever happened.

Mona tried to assure Peter that he could join our makeshift family, promising protection and a better life. But deep down, I knew that was unlikely. The Nocturnals were the world's most notorious crime syndicate, while we were a group comprising of a wealthy yet naive man with a wife obsession, an over-powered women who's only weakness is the moon, a 17-year-old amateur magician, A con-artist who can't even spell his own name right, and a butler.

Without hesitation, Peter made his choice. Together with his father, they pointed their wands at Mona. Supporting Nancy as she leaned on my arm, I made a split-second decision.

I left Mona behind and ran.

Sunrise to Sunsetحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن