Chapter 2: Let It Be

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Childhood trauma aside, we live in such an incredible world. Magic is in our bodies, the air that we breathe, it's in literally everything. I'm aware of the importance of it, and without it, we wouldn't be able to live life like we do now. That being said, growing up, I despised magic. I believed it to be the reason my life was awful. Once Nancy was brought into it, my opinion on magic changed. I've learned that magic is what brought us together.

I had an incredible childhood with Nancy by my side. At first, my family did not like the idea of her being around me because she came from a lower-class family. Yet, as time went on, they grew to love the idea of us being together because she was highly exceptional in magic, and they believed her genes would carry over to our children if we were to ever get married. So, with the stamp of approval from my father, my family did everything they could to keep us together and even went as far as sponsoring Nancy so she could always attend the same wizarding programs as me.

Throughout the years, we spent a lot of time together. We played a lot of games together, practiced magic, and we were so close that she was even my date to the prom. We ultimately graduated from the same high school and college.

Sorry if it seems as if I skipped through my school days too fast. Who would want to read a book about a kid attending a wizard school anyway? I just didn't have anything interesting happen to me like a bald-headed nose-less guy trying to kill me.

That being said, I never would have expected to be where I'm at right now. I don't just mean "Happy," I mean alive. Nancy saved me from deep depression and has made my life worth living.

I'm just your average 22-year-old guy, just completed college, taking over the financial department in my father's company, and about to marry my childhood sweetheart.

Remember earlier when I mentioned I was going to be changing Nancy's last name? Well, I meant it. I guess it's true about what they say... dreams really do come true.

Until they don't...

Six months after Nancy and I tied the knot, she began feeling fatigued a lot, so we began making frequent doctor's visits. After a few visits, the doctors ran many tests and discovered the worst possible outcome. Nancy was diagnosed with lung cancer.

I was shocked beyond words could describe. In that moment, I remember tears just flooding my face while being on the verge of a panic attack. But Nancy, on the other hand, was not as worried. I knew Nancy was scared, but she was hopeful at the same time. She knew she was going to beat this, just like every other challenge she's ever faced in life. This is why I fell for this girl. Not just because of her amazing looks or the raw potential she has, but because of her confidence that no matter what life throws at her, she will rise victorious.

Immediately, we began doing research and getting the best medical and magical treatment that money could buy. But after seven months, Nancy was not looking too good. At this point, she was pale, had lost all of her hair, and had lost an incredible amount of weight. Even to this point, I refused to give up any hope. I loved Nancy, and I would do anything to make sure she made it through this. She's strong enough to keep fighting, so why should I give up?

A few days later, I came home from work early to take Nancy to chemotherapy and found her collapsed on the floor. We rushed to the hospital, where they loaded her onto a stretcher and rushed to take her to get examined. Upon a quick examination, they discovered she needed immediate surgery and began right away. As the doctors were pushing her on the stretcher, I could hear so many different noises happening around. Doctors giving commands to each other, sounds of different equipment being used, and screams and cries of different families and friends that managed to make it. None of that mattered to me in the least. My focus was on my wife, the one whom I cherish more than anything. Out of all the noises in that hospital, the only thing that I could hear was Mrs. Brimstone's voice.

She told me with tears running down her face, "This has been a really fun ride, but I think this time I'm defeated. I'm in so much pain. I think I'm going to stop fighting. You're an amazing man, Emmett. You'll find another girl to love. She definitely won't be as badass as me, but I'm thankful for the life you helped me live. I love you."

At this point, I was in disbelief. Not only has Nancy always been the strongest person that I've ever known, but I never could have imagined her losing. I don't just mean that because she became one of the most powerful wizards, but because she was strong in what matters. She was able to make someone as hopeless as me feel like they mattered.

I wasn't ready. I didn't want her to go. I wasn't ready for the last thing for Nancy to see is me standing there, looking like a hot mess with tears running down my face, sobbing. There was so much I wanted to tell her, but the only words I could manage to get out before she passed away were, "I love you." Then her grip loosens. The world seems to stop. As I've mentioned before, I've been a victim of many forms of bullying. I've had my ass kicked more times than I can count. I know what it feels like to go through pain. But this is different. I've never felt a more devastating pain in my life. This... shattered my heart.

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