Revenge of The Core: Part 1

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After escaping the castle, Sasha and The Gang scrambled The Resistance for an assault on the castle to end this for good. Sasha rides with Sprig, Polly, Hop Pop, Frobo, Grime, Olivia, Yunan, Andrias and Anne's Parents. Sprig looks at Sasha and sees her in distress. "Sasha? Are you okay?" Sprig asked. "No. It's just that thing can't just stay down. It's back controlling Marcy and now Anne is now it's puppet again. I just want to see them again." Sasha said.

Sprig sees this and sits by Sasha. "Sasha, we'll get them back. Together." Sprig said. Sasha smiles. "Anne. Marcy. Please be okay, we're coming." Sasha said. They approached the castle as The Frobots surrounded the castle as Darcy sits on the throne with Anne by her side. She then senses Anne's friends and parents are approaching with The Resistance.

Darcy stands from her throne and looks down at the balcony and sees The Resistance mobilizing, she smirks as the time for revenge is coming. "Anne! It's time." Darcy said. Anne smiles as revenge is approaching. Sasha, The Planters, Frobo, Grime, Olivia, Yunan, Andrias and Anne's Parents enter the castle all stealthy as The Core senses their presence.

"Welcome Resistance, we've been expecting you!" Darcy/The Core greeted her guests. Sasha's anger bubbled to the surface as The Core summons mechanical tentacles to attack them. Sasha managed to slice the tentacles and make their way to the throne room. They see this as a trap as Darcy and Core Anne reveal themselves to the group. "Hey everyone!" Anne said. Everyone else was in shock to not only that Anne was alive but to see her as The Core's puppet again.

"Anne! Please! This isn't you! You have to fight back!" Sasha yelled. Anne smiles as she approach her former friend. "Oh Sasha. Your just a toxic and controlling person, you used me to steal the box. You also pushed me around my entire life and ignored Marcy's interests, your a horrible person!" Core Anne said. Darcy smirks as she puts a mind control collar on Andrias.

Marcy within The Core witnessed Andrias spore controlled by The Core. "Andrias. No." Marcy said. She falls to her knees in tears. Anne witnessed it as she feels in tears at her in the control of the artificial intelligence that she had to destroy. "Marcy, everyone, I'm so sorry, it's all my fault." Anne said in tears. "Anne. Don't cry, after all, it is your fault everything happened. Your weak and pathetic." Core Anne said.

Anne turns around and sees her dark doppelganger staring back at her. Anne's anger began to fill up as she tried and tackle her evil counterpart. "Your dead! I'm gaining control of my life!" Anne yelled. Anne charged towards her doppelganger with her powers but Core Anne managed to stop Anne within mer seconds. Anne fell to the ground in pain as her evil counterpart kneels down and smirks. "Anne, you can't defeat me. You couldn't get rid of me and now I'm in control as your conscience will just remain in your body forever." Core Anne said.

Marcy saw everything happens as she turns around and sees Darcy/The Core with the scythe in their hands. "Aw, poor Marcy. You just wanted to be with your friend, Anne. Now she is ours and we will keep your body for as long as you live." Darcy/The Core said with a maniacal laugh. Marcy looks out her crossbow. "Get out of my body, You Ancient Hive Mind!" Marcy yelled. Darcy chuckled. "Aww, that was so sweet. Thanks for the compliment." Darcy/The Core said.

Marcy ran towards the hivemind but she trips and falls on her face. Darcy laughs at that. "Wow, you are really clumsy. You even very stupid to not realize that you can't get us out of your body." Darcy said with a chuckle. Marcy looks up and saw the mechanical being looking down at her, Darcy kneels down at her and strokes her hair. "Poor Mar-Mar, you are the cause of everything. If your father never took that new job, none of this would have ever happened." Darcy said.

Darcy and Core Anne activated The Calamity Box as Anne and Marcy watched within their bodies as Sasha and everyone else watched as they are token to the dungeon to be locked up instead of being fitted for control collars. Andrias gets spore controlled and he activated the box, The Portal opens as The Frobots fly into The Portal as everyone else in LA watch the invasion happen again.

The Castle looms over LA as the citizens watched it happen again, Revenge has come to destroy them all...

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