The Final Blow

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After Darcy bested Sasha, Darcy decided to finally end her life for good. Darcy swings her scythe at Sasha and is ready to delt the final blow. "Well Sash, it's been fun." Darcy said. Sasha looks at the scythe and back at the hivemind. "Do your worst." Sasha muttered. Darcy smiles and swings her scythe upwards. "Sure." Darcy said. She then hears the whispers and senses Andrias. "It can't be." Darcy muttered. The Core looks at Andrias and sees his will to fight striped away. Darcy opens the hatch and sees what's happening. She's angered and tells Aldrich. "Aldrich, your son has lost the will to fight." Darcy muttered in anger. She raised her hand. "That WEAKLING!" Darcy yelled.

She then smiles and turns to Sasha. "Hey Sasha. as a fellow control freak, you'll probably really appreciate this!" Darcy stated. Darcy then activated her mind control and Andrias screams in extreme pain. Anne activated her Calamity Powers and Darcy speaks to Andrias. "Andrias! Stand up and Fight you pathetic excuse of a king!" Darcy yelled at Andrias. "We are all you need, We are all you will ever have!" Darcy yelled. While distracted, Grime kicks Sasha's sword at her. Sasha sees this and grabs it, she then gets up as she hears Anne's words. Andrias gains his will back and is ready to finish his fight with Anne.

Darcy smiles as she lets go of her mind control. "There, that's better." Darcy muttered. Sasha runs at Darcy and is ready to deal the final blow. Darcy turns around and sees what's happening. Sasha slashed Darcy. "I am Not that person anymore!" Sasha said. She then drops down in exhaustion as Darcy's Scythe his the ground. Sasha looks and sees Darcy, she's horrified. She actually hit Darcy, a massive wound dripping blood as Darcy smiles. "Hehe... You... Fool..." Darcy said before passing out. Sasha managed to catch her as she sees the massive wound. "Marcy... I'm sorry." Sasha said. Anne is about to defeat Andrias only for him to tell Anne to save Marcy.

Anne goes up to the shield generator with The Planters, Frobo, Andrias and her parents. Anne sees Darcy with another wound. "Marcy!" Anne yelled. She runs and slides on her knees as she sees her first friend with a massive scar on her body now. Anne begins to cry with Marcy/Darcy in her arms. "Anne, I'm sorry." Sasha muttered. Anne holds Marcy's hand as she begged her to wake up. "Marcy, please wake up." Anne begged. Anne holds her best friend's hand. Darcy holds Anne's hand and felt comfortable with Anne.

Darcy thought about getting revenge and she thought, she's going to make Anne her new Queen and Empress of The Multiverse. Darcy falls asleep in Anne's arms, Anne picks Darcy up and heads for a bedroom. "Hey guys, we can head back to Amphibia. I'm going to head for a bedroom." Anne said. They nod their heads and Anne goes into a bedroom and lays Darcy down.

She saw Marcy looked uncomfortable so she took off the helmet, the black and red cape, the chest plate and shoulder pads, the gauntlets, the shirt and boots. Anne left the pants on so Marcy's comfy. Anne saw Marcy's scars and kissed them, she laid down next to her and hugs her. "Marcy, I will never leave your side ever again. I Love You." Anne said. She kisses Marcy's lips and holds her tightly. Darcy opens her eyes and smiled. "Don't worry Anne, you'll never leave Our side." Darcy said. Darcy will take her revenge.

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