Anne and Marcy's Confession

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After they returned to Amphibia, Andrias redeemed himself and The Core's Frobots were shut down. Anne and Marcy laid down as Anne woke up and saw Marcy all comfy. She then giggles. "Your so cute, Mar-Mar." Anne said. Marcy then wakes up. "Anne?" Marcy said. Anne hugs Marcy. "Marcy, You beautiful human." Anne said with pure joy, Marcy smiles and knows The Core is still in her head but doesn't tell Anne. She feels pain and sees another scar on her chest. "Marcy, Sasha got you. I was so worried about you." Anne said. Marcy looks at Anne and strokes her cheek. "Anne, I'm sorry." Marcy said. Anne sees the tears in Marcy's eyes. "Marcy, it's okay. I forgive you." Anne said. Anne hugs her and the two lay down.

Anne and Marcy put their arms around each other and feel all comfy. Marcy looks at Anne. "Anne, I'm sorry. I was so scared of moving away, the thought of losing you was so big. I was thinking that if we weren't together, we wouldn't be friends anymore." Marcy said with tears in her eyes. Anne sees this and tears up too. She and Marcy were friends before they met Sasha, she felt she and Marcy were friends forever. Anne kisses Marcy's forehead.

Marcy becomes blushed that Anne kisses her and looks at her. "Marcy, it's okay. You made that decision because you thought that was the end of our friendship, you thought we wouldn't see each other again but me and you are stronger than anyone when me and you are together. I Forgive You, Marcy." Anne said. Marcy looks and stated at Anne. "I Love You, Anne Boonchuy." Marcy said. "I Love You Too, Marcy Wu." Anne said. The two share their first official kiss and cherish the moment.

The Core secretly transferred their darkness into Anne without Anne and Marcy knowing, Anne has been embedded with The Core's Darkness. The Core's Revenge is almost complete, they just need to reactivate their army and control Andrias again. The Core waits patiently as their Revenge is almost complete, soon The Multiverse and The Worlds will tremble in fear.

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