Chapter 84 - Luke

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Author's Note: Marr struggles with his feelings in the wake of his encounter with Vader...

Also, just a fun fact, but we have a headcanon (a recent one) that Obi-Wan is a Mandalorian, and that he's Pre Viszla's older brother. Is that true in here? Probably. Also, he'll never know. I just think it's hilarious that he's Marr's uncle, and neither of them know. Lol.

~ Amina Gila

Marr can't tear his mind away from Vader, but there's other things urgently demanding his attention: like Maul's betrayal. It would be best to confront him about it in person, but he has no way of doing that without calling him first, to set up a meeting. Maybe if he just doesn't mention what he wants to talk about...?

It might work, but Maul will probably figure out something is off. So, he'll be ready to track his location if he needs to.

As soon as he's somewhere private, Marr withdraws his comm link that communicates with the Sith, calling him.

"Yes?" Maul asks. Something about him seems.... different, unless it's just because Marr's so suspicious.

"Can we meet somewhere private?" Marr asks, "I believe there's some things we should discuss without risk of anyone intercepting the communication." It's as little of a lie as he can manage.

"I hope your mission to that Imperial base went well." Oh, he definitely knows why Marr's calling, doesn't he? Marr can tell from that tone, that glint in his eyes. He's never going to tell him where he is.

Good thing he's already tracing the call.

"Why?" Marr asks, voice rising. He doesn't know why there was still a small part of him that trusted Maul. "Why would you throw away all the benefits you could have gained from this?"

Maul laughs. "Whether the Empire or a new Republic rule, it will be the same for me," he replies, "You may once have been my apprentice, but you chose to betray me. And now you have been replaced."

The call abruptly hangs up.

'Been replaced'...

Does that mean Maul has a new apprentice? That does not sound good.

BD beeps, displaying a map of the location the call traced too.

"We're going immediately," Marr decides, standing. He doesn't know if Maul will still be there when he arrives – he doesn't even know what he's planning to do when they arrive – but Maul knows too much for them to just end their partnership here.

He comes out of hyperspace above the planet, right in time to see another ship making the jump to lightspeed. The same moment, all traces of Maul's lingering presence disappear. He was on that ship, wasn't he?

"BD, track all possible destinations based on the trajectory," he instructors.

The droid beeps, immediately doing as he asked. Tatooine is Marr's first guess of the options. Obi-Wan was there, and it would make sense for Maul to decide to make a move now. Obi-Wan should be able to handle him fine, but that doesn't stop his surge of apprehension. He needs to get there as soon as possible.

He comes out of hyperspace above the planet in time to spot the shuttle heading for the surface. Marr follows, though he tries to keep his distance. It wouldn't be good if Maul sees him, though no doubt he senses his presence. Marr is shielding, but Maul is very attuned to the Force.

But as they get closer to the surface, Marr quickly realizes that he's not heading for where they last saw Obi-Wan. He's... heading to a moisture farm?

Which... doesn't make any sense, unless he has something of use there. Or is that where his 'new apprentice' is? Marr can't imagine many other Jedi hiding on Tatooine, so it's likely someone who wasn't trained before. It's a good thing he's here, then, because he has no doubt this isn't going to end well.

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