Chapter 18 - The Academy

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"I still don't see why I had to be chosen for this mission, out of the million other padawans out there," Ahsoka whines.

"Maybe they enjoy torturing us," Theseus offers.

"Yeah, great. Makes me feel so much better."

"Good. And maybe they also thought you really wanted a meditative break."

"That really makes me feel better about it," Ahsoka huffs. Theseus smirks slightly in spite of himself. He doesn't mind the break from fighting, at least not that much, although he's still not looking forward to how boring this assignment is definitely going to be. At least being on guard duty or something would be more interesting than being a teacher, of all things. It is a little disturbing, though, how much Ahsoka hates doing pretty much anything that doesn't involve constant fighting and action. Not that he can blame her since that's all they've been taught to do since becoming padawans, but still. It shouldn't be that way, or at least that's certainly not what the older generation of Jedi are like.

"The Jedi Council has given both of you this mission. It's your duty to see it through," Anakin speaks up finally from the pilot's seat of the shuttle they're in. He's eyeing them in a way that somehow manages to be sympathetic and amused at once.

"Don't you think we're just a little overqualified for this?" Ahsoka grumbles.

"According to Senator Amidala, Mandalore is a deeply corrupted world. If the cycle is to be broken, the future leaders at the Royal Academy of Government must learn the evils of corruption. Yoda feels that only young padawans like you can get through to them," Anakin reminds.

"That's true," Theseus agrees cheerfully. "Half the times when adults talk, they have this way of being as confusing and boring as possible, no offence to Obi-Wan."

Anakin snorts. "I'm sure he'd love to hear that assessment."

Ahsoka snickers. "Let's hope he never does."

When they get off the shuttle, Satine, Almec, a group of guards, and several cadets are waiting for them. "That's a fine weapon," Cadet Korkie says literally the moment they're done being introduced, "Can I see it?" He looks unbelievably eager. Theseus supposes he understands why. If he hadn't been raised a Jedi, he'd be fascinated with the lightsabers too.

"I'm afraid not," Almec objects, "Because of Master Kenobi's recent visit and the trouble that followed, no off-worlders may carry weapons on Mandalore." Well, hopefully that doesn't include his droid which can be useful in fighting sometimes. He's definitely not parting with BD.

"Master Obi-Wan caused trouble? That's a first," Ahsoka smirks.

"It was hardly his fault! And I saved the day!" Theseus protests. Because he really doesn't want to be on this mission without a weapon. Yes, it's supposed to be... well, boring but he doesn't like going anywhere without a weapon constantly with him. He always has his lightsaber with him, ever since he got it. Even when he sleeps, it's always on the table by his bed or hooked on his belt or under the robe he's sleeping on, depending on where he is.

"Just give them to me," Anakin instructs. With a reluctant sigh, he hands his over.

"Excuse the interruption sir, but it's time to depart," Rex says, walking up behind them, "General Shan is expecting us." Speaking of his mother, Theseus really wishes he could be going on this mission with her instead of being here on Mandalore. But there's hardly a point complaining about it; it's not like it will change anything.


All in all, the first day as a teacher wasn't really that bad. Theseus is tinkering with some droids, even though he shouldn't be risking breaking them when Ahsoka returns to their quarters sometime later. He totally understands why Anakin spends so much time working on ships and droids. It really distracts Theseus too, and now it doesn't constantly remind him of Vraz. It's one thing he's grateful he's managed to get past, but it's only a painful reminder that even when people close to him die, everything keeps on moving, not even giving him proper time to mourn before he's thrown on forwards again. Life is never fair, as Master Obi-Wan said.

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