Chapter 83 - Fortress Inquisitorius

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Author's Note: I think some people mentioned they wanted to see a fight between two certain people? *evil laughter intensifies*

But maybe not necessarily the two people a lot of others hoped to see fight. Yet. 

Also, I totally understand why no one likes Athea and I can't blame any of you. I think the ending she's going to get is fitting, so hopefully you'll all agree. :)

~ Tirana Sorki

Anastasia is strapped onto one of the interrogation chairs that the Empire uses. She's still in her armor, though her helmet is off, and the First Sister is standing in front of her, one hand raised in a way that Ahsoka knows is a telltale sign of a mind-probe.


Ahsoka hasn't seen her since her trial.

The rage that floods her was unwelcome, but not unexpected. "Athea Shan," Ahsoka intones icily.

The Inquisitor drops her hand, reaching to pull out her lightsaber. "Ahsoka Tano," she replies, turning around. Her face is hidden by a mask, distorted, but Ahsoka knows what she sounds like. "We have been waiting for you for a long time."

"I'm glad I gave you something to look forwards to," she snaps back.

"Perhaps you should have thought twice about returning," she continues. "No matter. You will be destroyed here."

"Then come get me," she replies, raising her lightsabers.

"It would be my pleasure." The Inquisitor spins her lightsaber around and lunges forwards. The force of her first blow drives Ahsoka backwards out of the cell, into the hall. She lets her – the fight needs to be in a more open space.

They trade blows in a blur of white and red, and it's so jarring to see Athea, of all people, like this. Ahsoka already long since accepted the news, but the last time she knew her was as a Jedi Master at... her trial. Athea was one of the only ones standing up for her. She doesn't understand what changed.

Ahsoka forces the stray thoughts from mind, throwing all her focus into the fight. She's nothing like the other Inquisitors, Ahsoka realizes quickly, as Athea nearly takes her head off for the second time. Athea is powerful. She was a Jedi Master, after all. Ahsoka has grown enormously over the years too, but still, their skills are almost matched. She doesn't care to wait and see who'll come out on top if the duel is extended.

Ahsoka slashes at Athea again, blade grazing along her arm, before diving out of the way when the Inquisitor goes for her again. The end of her blade stabs into the wall instead, and Ahsoka blasts her back with the Force, hard enough that she hits the wall at the far end.

She doesn't wait, spinning and racing back to Anastasia's cell. "Are you... okay?" she asks, moving to free her. She has no idea what Athea's been doing to her, after all. Has she seriously been torturing her own daughter?! And Ahsoka has a very hard time believing that she didn't know who she was.

"I could be offended Marr didn't even think it worth his time to come here in person."

"He's a little preoccupied with the cameras," Ahsoka replies, "Come on!"

Danger – though not strong – twinges in the Force as they take off into the hall and go in the opposite direction Athea is. Maybe Marr's dealing with a little more than she thought.

Anakin wouldn't hurt him, though.

He wouldn't. Right?

She'll have to just trust that Marr will be fine, because they need to get out of here, and if nothing else, lead Athea away. If the three of them have to fight Vader and Athea together, she'd prefer not to know who'd come out on top. For now, it's time to run.

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