Chapter 53 - Darth Vader

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Author's Note: Y'all have no idea how long we've been waiting to release this chapter! I'm so excited for it, because it's really the first major canon divergence. If you can't figure out what changes before led to this moment just ask. ;) I'd be happy to explain. ^-^

~ Amina Gila

Anakin's anger is burning, hot and fierce. Padme was not supposed to find out about this, not yet, preferably not ever. He didn't want her to know what he was doing to save her. The most infuriating part is that Obi-Wan did this – is doing this – to turn her against him. It's what the Chancellor – the Emperor, his master – had warned him about.

She's insistent that Obi-Wan wants to help – (just like Theseus had said) – but it's a lie. If his old master ever once truly cared for him, he wouldn't be doing this, trying to take away his wife and child. His child... Luke or Leia, whichever it is, who he would do anything for. Already has done anything for.

He refuses to live on the run, to raise their child like he himself was – even if it's what Padme wants. He has everything he's dreamed of, and their child will be raised as a prince – okay, or princess – and will never need to know war or violence or – or any of the things Anakin himself grew up surrounded by. (Or what his last child grew up surrounded by, before she left.)

And he doesn't understand why she's not listening, unless – unless Palpatine was right. He doesn't want to think about it he doesn't want to think about it –

And then, Obi-Wan himself appears in the doorway of the ship, expression dark and angry.

All sense of logic evaporates in that moment, instantly replaced by a raw, building rage and fear. "You brought him here to kill me!" he accuses, furiously.

"No!" she protests, backing away, fear leaping into her eyes.

Obi-Wan looks furious, and that's what scares him even more, as much as it also makes him even more angry. "Anakin, what have you done?" he demands harshly. The question doesn't even need an answer. He knew, of course, that he would probably have to face Obi-Wan eventually, but it wasn't supposed to be here, so soon. And definitely not when Padme is here. Padme who literally brought Obi-Wan here to kill him, after everything he's done for her and their child.

"You will not take them from me!" Not like you took Ahsoka, he wants to snarl. Not like you took everything from me!

"Your anger and lust for power have already done that," Obi-Wan shoots back, stalking down the ramp, and throwing off his outer robe. It's a gesture that he's ready for a fight, and Anakin immediately follows suit. He won't be taken by surprise.

Padme looks between them frantically. "Anakin – " she starts, but Obi-Wan keeps talking.

"You have allowed this Dark Lord to twist your mind until now, and you have become the very thing you swore to destroy."

"Don't lecture me, Obi-Wan. I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the Dark Side as you do," Anakin retorts, turning away, struggling to bring his raging emotions back under control. It hardly helps that this is a Dark Side planet, and it's only serving to magnify everything.

"How can you say that?" Padme asks, horror in her tone.

Anakin turns slowly, to look at her. "The Republic was failing. The Empire is the only way to reunite the galaxy, Padme. To end the war."

She shakes her head, eyes still glinting with tears. "I can't believe you're saying this."

"It's true," he repeats. He knows how much it's hurting her, how much the Republic meant to her, but if nothing else, Palpatine is right about one thing. This is the only way to reunite the galaxy after the damage the war has done. "I told you before, I can overthrow the Emperor, and you can rule the Empire. Make it the way you want."

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