Sweet and Tickle Spots

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I was Spending some Quality Cuddling time with Lux, With him on top of me.

He continues to Pur as I Stroke his back.

Lux: prrrrrr prrrrrr

I couldn't help but Giggle as I find My Cat-dragon boyfriend's purring Cute.

I then remembered something about cats back in the day, When we Humans Keep cats as Pets. There's this sweet spot at a Cat's top rear that, When scratch, the Cat will Begin to Lick the Air and make funny noises.

Considering that Lux Is Part Cat, i got curious.

Does he also have a Sweet Spot?

I slowly trailed my Hand towards the top area of Lux's rear, And Swiftly Attacked with Rubs and scratches.

Lux: Mm-- Mrarararara!

Lux immediately Jolts, and immediately started to Lick the Air and make the "Cat Gremlin" sound. I immediately stopped in surprise as I didn't expect it to work.

Lux stopped as soon as I stopped scratching him, and he Looks down at me.

A Smug smile creeped up on His face

Lux: And what were you DOING THERE?

I tried to Hold my Laughter, But couldn't contain it.

Me: Hahah, Sorry I didn't-- ptfff expect you to-- Hee Do That.

It ACTUALLY worked! And he did the sound! That was so Funny and Cute.

Lux: That Tickled you know.

Me: Sorry, Sorry -- it's just... Cats back then had that exact same sweet spot And I Didn't expect it to apply to you guys as well.

Lux: Well, Now you Know.

Dan soon knocked and Pokes his Head inside, Followed by Milo.

Dan: Everything Okay in here?

Me: Ptfff... I just found out that Cats still have The Sweet spots.

Dan tilts his head in confusion and I decided to Show him.

Lux: Rararara-- Stop it!

Lux Soon Puts a Paw in my face while Blushing in embarrassment.

Me: Sorry Sorry! It's just too funny and Cute. Hehe...

I continued to laugh while Dan slowly Looks at Milo, Who looks back at Him and Ran, Quickly Followed by Dan.

Milo: Shitshitshit

Dan: C'mon Man, I just wanna Check!

Milo: And I don't wanna Find out!

Lucy: What're you Boys Doing?!

Dan: You Heard Garbling Right? M said that there's a Sweet spot that causes Ca-- GOTCHA

Milo: AAA nono-- Mrawawawawawaaa--

Neo: Oh my-- Hahaha!

Lucy: Ehehehehehe!

Milo: Stop it!!!

I rushed to where the others were to Find Dan, Lucy and Neo Laughing while Milo was Blushing, Covering his rear End. When I walked into the area I was hissed at by Milo.

Milo: Thanks for that...

Me: Sorry...

I feel guilty for putting him through the embarrassment.

Milo: Nothing about this gets out, alright?

SAI then Pops up from my Bracelet.

SAI: It may not produce the same result... But M's Tickle Spot is his Tummy and sides.

Me: EH?! WHY?!

SAI: To make it Fair, It's your fault for Putting them through that.

Me: YOU'RE ME!!!

Lux: Eeeeemmmm~

I immediately Jolted in fear and slowly turned around to find Both Lux and Milo towering over me with sinister smiles and Grabby paws.

Lux: What was that about a...

Milo: Tickle Spot on your tummy and Sides~?

SAI: Good luck

And with that, SAI left me alone. I turned to the Others, who then looked away at me, acting like I wasn't there.

Milo Zipped behind me and Grabbed me from Behind While Lux Lifts my shirt up.

Milo: Any last words?

Me: . . . I promise I won't do it again and won't tell anyone. So Please... be... Gentle?

Lux: ... Although we appreciate you Promising us that... NOPE~~~

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