speak of the angel

Start from the beginning

Y-"ill see him later"

Zay-"fine she say no"

He looked down in his lap

Y-"u are a damn fool"

Zay-"I told him u was gunna say no why u not leaving yet"

Y-"im leaving right now"

Zay-"u promise"

Y-"yes daddyC

He smiles and gave her a look

Y-"bye bye"

Zay-"bye baby"

She hung up and looked up

Y-"he did that to me I don't wanna talk about it"

Kay-"I just know yall would have dozens of children without birth control"

They laughed she left and started driving her phone rung again she answered looking down for a split second his eyes were in his head and his lip was in his mouth she swerved took a breath

Y-"zay what are u doing"

Zay-"i got distracted"

Y-"ofc u did"

Zay-"im sorry I didn't ask mommy"

Y-"baby its ok im driving"



Zay-"uh huh"

Y-"im driving"

Zay-"mm flashbacks"

Y-"oh my goodness"

She pulled over turner the car off put her phone in her lap and watched him

Y-"baby I could of been there faster"

Zay-"I know I couldn't help it"

Y-"mm my baby boy"

His eyes rolled and the phone slid slowly

Y-"I cant see baby"


He whispered and grabbed the phone trying to sit it up

Y-"u so handsome daddy"

She smiled a little


He flipped his head back she laughed a little


Zay-"u know why"

He sat up biting his lip and looked at her she put her phone up

Y-"u can ask"

She sat back in her seat and pit her knee up looking at him with her head tilted

Y-"can I drive now"

Zay-"mm mm"


She watched him and bit her lip he flipped his head back his breath got a little heavy and he groaned

Y-"u cumming bae"

Zay-"uh huh"

Yn mumbled a little then bit her lip

Zay-"speak up"

Y-"dont fucking yell at me I told u about that"

He smiled

Zay-"yes ma'am"

He bit his lip groaning

Y-"kinky ass"

Zay-"I cant help it"

He whispered and help his breath

Y-"let it out papi"

His eyes rolled and he came sighing and looked at her




She smiled making him smile

Zay-"u so fucking fine"

He looked away moving out the camra blushing

Y-*laughs thank u baby

Zay-"u can drive now"

Y-"thank u"

She turned the car on and drove off

Zay-"im still hungry"

Y-"I heard u daddy I'm coming"

She sat up speeding up and honked her horn


Zay-"mama be nice"

Y-"no u got a whole corvette drive like it"



He sighed


He got up and did what he had to do then yn came home


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