In the bathroom he made the mistake of looking at himself in the mirror.

He immediately began crying again.

His face was bruised all over.

"Why...why?!!" He cried out, splashing his face with cold water.

Yunho sighed as he heard him from outside. "Do you need help with anything?"

Wooyoung walked out after a moment with a tear stained face, dragging himself back to the chair.

(A/N: but the chair would be facing the door instead)

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(A/N: but the chair would be facing the door instead)

Yunho watched hin confused.

What kind of person doesn't at least try to escape or fight back in a situation like this?

He was just going back to where he's supposed to be tied up.

Hell, Yunho wouldn't be surprised if he blindfolded himself.

"I'm done...thank you..." Wooyoung sniffled, wiping his nose with his sweater sleeve.

With another sigh, Yunho got up and got him a tissue.

He didn't care if this boy recognized him anymore, he was feeling too bad for him.

Wooyoung took the tissue gratefully without looking up, a part of him actually scared of seeing what his kidnappers look like.

Yunho went to the mini fridge again, grabbing an energy bar. "Here...we don't have actual food here, so you'll have to survive on this for now."

Wooyoung took it with shaky hands. "For now..? How long am I staying here?"

"I don't know."

"I don't care if you kill me...I don't have much to live for...I just...don't want to leave without saying goodbye to him..." he wiped his tears that started flowing again.

Yunho didn't know what to say, he just looked down, sliding his hands in his pockets.

"Do you have a lover?"

Yunho quickly looked up at the sudden question, contemplating having a conversation with the hostage.

"'s almost impossible with what I do..."

"'ve never been in love?"

"I have...actually...I am..."

Wooyoung couldn't help but smile through his tears. "I knew're a kind person...I wouldn't think a criminal could fall in love but..." he paused. "They must be working with you then,huh?"

Yunho just stared at him. Why is he asking these questions?

"I'm not supposed to be talking to you, you shouldn't either, I don't recommend giving me any information, as useless as it may seem to you." He sternly reminded.
"I have to tie you up again." 

Wooyoung didn't fight back at all and just let Yunho tie him up and blindfold him.

He felt bad for him, but there wasn't much he could do.

"I'm glad you're the one watching me...that other guy is horrible...Mingi?"

Yunho's eyes widened. "Don't say that again...don't let anyone know you have our names memorized."

"None of you seemed to care when you called each other in front of me."

"First, we don't expect anyone to come out of here alive...and second, we don't use our real names."

"I won't tell on you, I just want to get out if here."

"I'm going to be outside the room if you need anything." Yunho stepped back and walked out, locking the door. He decided more talking would only get him in trouble.

He was surprised to see Mingi standing outside.

A/N: are you thinking what I'm thinking?

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