Krishna: " Just tell them shakshi , they will understand."

Then Shakti told them everything about her birth, her parents behavior,  her running away from home to train accident till her being here , both of them were shocked about how can her parents do something like this to their own children, whare as their parents sacrificed every thing for them they console her

Karna: " shakshi, now I promise you will get everything that you deserve,"

Shakshi was very happy, she suddenly frown at them ,she was confused how come karna have Brother,  and his name as akash wasn't his brother's name was shon and wasn't he was dead and why did karna aside sumitra nandan to himself wasn't he radhaye so she thought to ask him but she definitely knows that something is different so she thought to ask them in different way and not reveling the actual Mahabharata

Sakshi : " bhiya, now you know about me, but you didn't tell me anything about you both , I also want to know from start," confused baby

Karna and akash clucked at her and they told her everything from started slowly Sakshi's mind prossed and she understood that in this youg everything is going to change and she was more than happy that karna got everything that he deserved at this time .

They talk and eat some fruits that's when karn said

Karna: " shakshi, will you be able to move , cause we have to reach home soon or else Mata would get worried and we don't even have proper shelter here?"

Akash: " ooh yess , bhiya near maghad, a jungle is their which in our way whe can stay their at night,  one of my friend also lives there "

Shakshi: " Don't worry, bhiya, I'll be able to move ,we should get going."

Karna made shakshi sit on teja and told her to hold him tightly, and he ordered teja to follow Pratap , and karna nad akash sets on Pratap and
They started moving further and soon in 1 hour they reached near a tribal village

That when they started moving, a boy of akash's age came towards then, and he identified akash and hugged him

???: " Akash, my friend, how are you , and what are you doing here ,and who are they?" asked his friend who is very dear to him

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???: " Akash, my friend, how are you , and what are you doing here ,and who are they?" asked his friend who is very dear to him

Akash : " Eklavya, my friend, iam good , what about you and about them they are my family members. You remember my brother Karna , their he is, and she is my sister shakshi

Eklavya went to them and greats them and welcomed them to his house for the night before they started their journey back to Ayodhya

Eklavya took shakshi to his mother and told her about her being injured and asked her to give her some fresh clothes,  and he went back to his friend and asked

Eklavya: " akash, I knew about bratha karna but never knew about you younger sister. How come you never told me about her?" Confused

Akash: " she becomes my sister Today only " and told her everything except for that she is from kalyug , just said that from where she came that place doesn't exist anymore

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