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Emilio Hernandez

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The entire venue was littered with bodies, most including her many family members, but unfortunately there were still many wandering guys who knew her older brother. There were members of the Greek mafia, many guys that I knew, and a lot of them were friends with Ev, here to celebrate him and his wife.

I had no problem with Isabel's extroverted nature, it was something I loved about her, but I did happen to have a problem with all of her new male friends' wandering hands and lingering eyes. If I had to watch one more of them twirl her hair or put their hands on her, I was gonna lose my shit.

I honestly felt bad for her cousins, who were dancing with her because from the moment they had stepped onto the dance floor, they had been shooing away guys left and right from her. "Looks like you've got your hands full there, son," Atlas inclined his head in the direction of where his daughter was surrounded by a group of guys, dancing and jumping around to the music.

"Yeah," I agreed gruffly, eyes gliding over to Deon when he suddenly appeared by my side. "Looks like I have." My eyes rolled when Deon chuckled, gaze finding his twin sister. I was honestly surprised to see he wasn't out there with him, usually if his sister was out dancing, so was he.

"Oh, man," Deon sighed, shaking his head. "That girl is something else," He mused, patting me on the shoulder sympathetically, "This is why I'm gay, I could never do this shit." He continued and I rolled my eyes at him, shrugging his hand off my shoulder.

"Ah, it's nothing to worry about," Atlas chuckled, shaking his head lightly. "Isabel's never been short in her supply of attention. Something about her personality seems to draw people in." He explained in an amused tone, finishing off his glass of whiskey.

"More like her lack of bra," Deon muttered and Ares and I snorted, him stopping short in front of us, eyes dilated. Deon turned to me and I rolled my eyes at him. "Not like I was looking at her tits, 'cause that's fucking weird, but hey, you should do something about that." He rambled, words ending with a slur.

"Who's this?" Ares asked, struggling to walk in in a straight line as he dropped into the abandoned chair across from us. He looked gone, really far gone. Atlas rolled his eyes at his son, pushing over a glass of water. "Thanks, pops," His voice slurred, a smile prominent.

"Isabel," Deon answered with a mere shrug, eyes going back across the venue and I filled his gaze, my jaw clenching at the sight of some blonde-haired douche-bag with his hand on her hip, leaning down to whisper something in her ear.

"Fucking blondes," I grumbled, tossing back the last of my drink before pushing out from the table when he didn't back down, even after Isabel was shaking her head at him.

Ares and Deon laughed, their laughter echoing around us and Atlas smiled, shaking his head at me. "Don't go crazy, young boy, you hear me?" He warned, waving me off.

my eyes narrowed at the stupid fucker who was ignoring both of Isabel's cousins trying to get him to leave, Isabel clearly frozen up, arms wrapping around herself, something she always did when she was uncomfortable.

"Don't fucking count on it," I muttered to myself as I moved through the crowds and onto the dance floor with a grimace, not stopping until I had reached my girl, my arm going around her waist as I tugged her to my chest.

Her head tilted, a look of relief washing over her face as her eyes light up the moment they landed on mine, as if she were excited to see me, her cheeks flushed and smile large. "Emmy!" She cheered, turning in my arms and looping hers over my shoulders, her heels giving her a bit of extra height. "I thought you don't dance, mister," She slurred, hips moving with the music.

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