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Isabel Ariti

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WEDDING BELLS RANG, the doors of the gorgeous Greek church being pushed open as the newlyweds made their way down the aisle together. Hand in hand, my brother Evander and his newly pronounced wife, Luna Ariti left the church.

Once they were out of sight, I made my way forward, meeting my brother Ares at the beginning of the row, looping my arm through his awaiting one, my other hand holding a white bouquet of flowers.

We walked down the aisle, my eyes moving down the aisles of guests, filled with my family, Luna's family and their friends. Ares ducked his head and I tilted my head, facing forward but offering an ear for him to talk in. "You see Ev crying?" He snickered.

A little grin graced my lips and I looked up at him, "Val and I were trying to figure out whether he was just sweating like crazy or if there actually were tears." I mused. "I'm so proud of him, though, talking in front of everyone." I smiled at the guards holding open the doors, who returned the smile.

Evander, my oldest brother, hated people more than most, and never really spoke in front of big crowds. He always claimed it was because he hated everyone too much, but when he began his vows today, I couldn't help the large grin that came onto my face.

"Yeah," Ares agreed, taking the flowers from my hand so I could hold up the back of my dress, which was a gorgeous floor-length navy blue dress with a slit running up my thigh. The material was tight with a scoop neckline, showing off my curves perfectly.

We made it to the main area of the venue, which was just a walk through a gorgeous archway of trailing vines and onto the large space, being immediately greeted by a server, offering champagne. "Efcharistó," I smiled, taking a glass as did Ares. [Thank you.]

He rolled his eyes at me, "Dad was convinced they decided to get married in Greece because you wanted to be able to get drinks yourself, and not have to use us to get them." He chuckled and I smirked, stopping by his side as we waited for the others to join us.

I hummed, snickering. "Guess we'll never know," I sang, wiggling my eyebrows as I backed away, spotting my target. Ares rolled his eyes at me, waving me off and with a smile, I spun around, weaving my way through the incoming guests.

A hand tugged on my arm and I froze, eyes wide and refusing to move until a sudden familiar scent met me and I turned, a grin coming onto my face. "I thought you were going to kidnap me." I looked up at my boyfriend, whose eyes rolled, hands coming around my waist.

"Wouldn't be hard, you didn't even try to fight back," Emilio grumbled, tilting my chin up and ducking his head to catch my lips. "Isabel," He murmured, hands running up my sides.

"Emmy." I hummed, fingers running through the hair at the back of his head, "Missed you so much." I placed a little kiss on the corner of his mouth, making his eyes narrow.

One of his hands snuck down to my ass, pulling me impossibly closer as he ducked his head down to speak lowly, "You know what this dress is doing to me?" He asked, green eyes straying on mine.

"No," I feigned innocence, blinking up at him with a hand pressed to his chest. "Tell me." I continued, rolling his tie between my fingers.

Milo hummed, eyes flickering up. There was no one around. "I'll show you," His lips twitched into a little smirk, one hand squeezing my ass, the other moving up to brush a stray strand of my straightened hair from my face.

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