Becky remembered seeing those faces last night especially the flirty Tee. She smiled awkwardly, not sure how to react.

"Ah, so now Becky is your friend..." Freen spoke, gaining her friends' attention.

"Oi, you're such a kid! Are you jealous?" Tee said, always with the intention to irritate Freen.

"What happened here?" Jim interrupted before Freen and Tee began their catfight.

"I don't know. Ask her yourself." Freen shrugged, obviously sulking.

All attention were then shifted to Becky. "Perhaps it's just too warm here." Becky explained yet she knew the reasoning was not entirely true.

"Ah..." The Incredible Three responded in union.

"Didn't you go back with Freen to get change?" Jim pointed out, realizing that Becky still has the dirty shirt on but this time with additional blood stain on it.

"Uhm..." Becky's eyes searched for Freen, hoping the girl would help to explain the whole situation.

"Do you think that you got the nosebleed because you saw me half naked just now?" Freen asked casually causing Becky to choke on her own breath.

The Incredible Three cringed inside, throwing their loathing look at Freen.

"Nah, let's just ignore that." Kade took over the awkward situation.

"This shirt seems to be ruined badly and needs to be cleaned." Becky said. "And it's not mine."

All gazes then shifted back to Freen spontaneously.

"What?" Freen recoiled, offended by those looks from her friends.

"No wonder..." Tee squinted her eyes, waiting for Freen to blurt the truth.

"What's wrong with lending a uniform to somebody else?" Freen stuttered, avoiding the eyes that were staring at her.

"That's the problem. You never let anybody touch or use your belongings." Tee stated. Freen's eyes met Becky's again saw the girl blushed uncontrollably. Perhaps acknowledging the fact made her shy.

"Eh Kade, this girl needs help. I bet she doesn't know anything." Freen directed them to another topic.

"Sure! Let's help her together." Kade played along.

"Don't include me in that plan. I'm not interested." Everyone knew that Freen meant it otherwise except Becky.


Becky's nightmare has somehow come true. She knew that she was incapable of surviving on her own. Growing up as the youngest among only two siblings, she has always been the spoiled child. Her lavish life back in London added more damage to that. She was literally the princess in the house. Everything was either being prepared or served for her. She has never done anything by herself – even the simplest chores.

"How I'm supposed to do this? Should I put the detergent or the bleach first?" Becky talked to herself. She has been standing in front of the washing basin for quite some time, indecisive of her own action.

"Are you done thinking?" The familiar voice startled her. It's none other than Freen, the one who always appeared out of nowhere when she least expected it.

Becky shifted her gaze to where the voice coming from. There, Freen was standing with her arms crossed from a distance, watching her every move with her signature judging look.

My GirlFreen (FreenBecky)Where stories live. Discover now