We decided to stop off at a little cafe in town to get a snack/rather unhealthy dinner, before collecting Mckenzie's stuff on the way and heading back to my house for the night... again. (I tell you - she may as well live with me she's here that often.)

We stuck to our usual routine of both of us being on our social media all night, just in the same room and occasionally showing the other one something funny we found. We watched a movie at 1am and fell asleep before it had even ended.

The next morning - or rather, afternoon - we woke up at the rather shameful time of noon. We both had a breakfast of toast and cereal, hopped in the shower in turn and began getting ready late afternoon since we had nothing better to do.

Mckenzie wore a tight, black midi pencil skirt and a grey, long sleeved crop top that had a high neckline, obviously accompanied by a pair of killer heels. I was always jealous of her body and her confidence to show it off carelessly; she really didn't care what anyone thought of her as long as she liked what she looked like - not that she needed to worry though, because everyone only sung her praises since she always looked good. I had always been a lot more shy and concerned about other people's opinions, I thought that my body wasn't the right shape or size to wear the type of cute outfits that everyone else wore and I didn't have flawless tanned skin or expensive makeup like my friends. However recently Mckenzie was helping me feel better about myself whether she knew it or not, and I had made a pact to try my hardest to be positive about myself.

Once we had our outfits on, hair done and makeup applied it was almost 6pm so we had a few hours to just chill in my room. Mckenzie rather mischievously pulled out a bottle of raspberry sourz from her bag that I had no idea was in there, and announced we were going to have 'pre-drinks' so that I was 'in high spirits for when we got there'. I refused at first, but by the time we heard a loud beep of a car horn outside my house we'd drunk almost the whole bottle.

We tripped down the stairs and out of the door with our bags and the almost empty bottle of alcohol in hand and made our way towards Louis' car which was an old and dented dark blue VW Golf. Zayn was sitting in the front alongside Louis, so we both went to climb into the back. When we opened the door the two boys had music blaring so loudly I'm surprised Louis could even think let alone drive.

"Alright you two!" He had to pretty much shout so that we could hear him and we both smiled and said hi in between giggles and hiccups. "You're not pissed already, are ya?" he laughed.

"Definitely not!" Mckenzie shouted back and we both looked at each other and giggled as Louis grinned and shook his head, Zayn still not saying a word but smiling to himself.

Louis slid the car into gear and roared off up my road dangerously fast. He was an even cockier driver than Harry was, and my neighbours probably thought I'd made friends with a gang of boy racers since Harry, Niall and now Louis had been up and down my road revving their engines and speeding around recently. They had their windows wound all the way down so that the two of them could smoke and the cold air whipped in and around the car so the back was practically just a mess of our hair that was flying around everywhere. The loud music and the vibration of the bass, the cold wind, the smell of smoke and the sound of the engine growling as Louis drove recklessly through the back roads in our small town almost had me gripping at my seat like I was in Fast and Furious, but I'm guessing Mckenzie was used to getting lifts from people who don't take driving quite so seriously because she didn't look the slightest bit concerned.

With Louis driving like a maniac, we arrived at whoever's house this party was at in only ten minutes. He pulled into the driveway and the all the commotion came to a halt as he switched the engine off, we all got out and Louis locked his car as we were on our way into the house. I think the music in the car had been louder than the music inside the house but the party seemed to be in full flow. Mckenzie and I were arm in arm to stop ourselves from face planting and we followed closely behind Louis and Zayn who led the way in.

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