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The marauders are sneaking around late at night and come across a rather pitiful sight of Severus being sad and suddenly we have an honorary marauder the next morning
Trans Snape

The four boys were out of their dorm late that night, quietly sneaking about and hushing each other's laughter by swatting at arms and sides only to accidentally hit someone's face which only made them all laugh harder.

They were currently in the middle of one of these laughing fits, nearly tangled underneath the considerably small width of James' invisibility cloak when they heard a door open and then shut, followed by stuttering footsteps and muffled breathing.

Perplexed, and a bit worried the boys ceased their playing and began to discretely shuffled forwards. Luckily, Peter had decided it would be best to be wormtail that night and hitch a ride in the dip of Remus' sweater vest so there was at least a little bit of extra room.

When they rounded a corner they all stopped abruptly, mouths hanging agape at the sight of Severus Snape cowering on the floor of the dimly lit corridor, knees brought protectively up to his chest which was shrouded in a large shirt that looked suspiciously muggle. His face was shoved into his arms that were crossed atop his knees, and his body shuttered with each too quick breath that escaped the small boy. He's always been suspiciously small compared to the other boys his age.

Remus took the first step, carefully shuffling his way out from under the cloak and uncertainly walking up to the boy on the floor. As soon as Snape heard footsteps, his breathing all but stopped and his eyes peaked up from his arms. His eyes were bloodshot, and his pupils were displayed like saucers as they gleamed with tears yet to be shed.

Remus stooped down a few feet from him, coming close to eye level with the other. "Are you okay?" The simple question seemed to shock the slytherin, as his eyes blew impossibly wider and he lifted his head just a bit more, revealing his nose that seemed almost too big for his face was red with snot smudge across his cheek from his previous position cuddled into his arms.

"W-what?" He mumbled, voice thick and wavering.

"Are you okay, mate?" Remus repeated, shuffling around a bit u til he was sitting cross cross on the cold stone floor.

At the farther end of the corridor, the two other boys were still stood shell shocked at the scene unfolding in front of him. Peter still in Remus short, though now he had slid down and was huddled in the dip above his crotch.

Snape just started at Remus, looking at him in a weird mix of awe and confusion. "Why do you
ca-care?" His voice broke on the last word, causing him to cough in slight embarrassment. Remus didn't even notice in all honesty, it was normal for boys their age to have voice cracks, but it was a little strange at how high pitched Snapes was.

"Well, you're over here having a panic attack on the floor at fuck all in the morning. It's a little concerning, don't you think?" He chuckled, trying to make light of the situation.

Snape just shrugged, averting his eyes too look at the rat in Remus' lap whose movement had caught his attention. Peter froze for a second, feeling the eyes on his fuzzy back before he turned and looked back. It took not even a second before he was scampering over and clawed his way up Snapes leg and sat on his crossed arms right in front of his nose.
Snape gasped slightly, pulling back as the too big to be normal rat crawled on him and stared with human like intelligence. Remus only snickered a bit, taking a moment to look back in the direction of the others and mouth for them to come over.

Finally snapping out of their stupor, they begrudgingly removed the cloak and began walking over to the growing group on the floor. As they got closer, Snapes eyes shot up from Peter and stared at them both. His expression was a mix of disdain and... fear? What the hell?

Remus noticed his sudden change in demeanor, muscles going taught and eyes narrowing. He quickly began speaking again. You've not answered my question. Are you okay? What happened?"

Snapes eyes snapped back to Remus, taking over his face as if he was determining if he can trust these boys who had bullied him frequently in the past. With a hopeless sigh, he finally relented. 'They'll figure it out anyways... maybe if I tell them now I'll be able to avoid them making a spectacle in front of the whole school..." he thought to himself, trying to rationalize the sudden urge to tell these boys who have been nothing but cruel to him since they met.

"They-" he started, pausing when he nearly forgot what he was about to say in his panic. "The year 7 boys pulled up my shirt in front of everyone. They basically made a total fool out of me, showing off my.. binder to the whole slytherin common room." He said finally, tucking his face back into his arms to avoid the stares of the four boys.

The marauders were shocked into silence at this revelation. It honestly made so much sense- Snape had always been a bit shorter than the boys his age, and never seemed to grow facial hair in the amounts of actually needing to shave. His body was a lot curvier than what would be considered 'normal', his hips being most pronounced. His voice seemed to be a lot higher pitched than the other boys, but they'd always just chocked that up to puberty being late for him. And he was always so sensitive when topics came up regarding anything remotely close to swimming classes with Hagrid to meet some of the creatures in the lake and whatnot.

James was the first to speak this time, quickly picking up an awkward tone. "You're- you're trans?" He asked.
Remus gaped at him flinging his arm out and whacking him in the chest. "James! You don't just go around asking shit like that!" James yelped, falling back on his ass as he had been crouched on the balls of his feet rather precariously.

Severus just sniffles, his arms tightening slightly around his knees.

Remus muttered a curse under his breath, turning back to look at Snape. "Look, mate, we certainly don't care that you're.. that you're not a girl. And... uh-" Remus trailed off, fighting for the right things to say to a still nearly sobbing Snape.

"Give us there names. We'll fuck em up!" Sirius butt in, thrusting his fist into the air as he spoke entirely too loudly in the echoing corridors. Remus very quickly shushed his, trying to quietly reprimand him for being so loud and probably getting them caught.

Severus lifted his head out of his knees, eyes wide with surprise. "R-really? You aren't gonna m-make fun of me for being trans?" His voice quivered rather embarrassingly, causing him to dip his face back down to hide his face right below his nose.

The boys had stopped bickering at that, turning back to him with varying looks of horror. "What? Of course me wouldn't bully you for that?!" James screeched, indignantly sitting back up to begin talking again but got pushed back down by Remus' hand slamming into his chest again at his much too loud voice.
"Mate, no. No, we would never do that. That's just cruel." Remus shook his head, eyes squinting slightly.

Severus sniffled again, keeping half his face hidden still as his words came out muffled. "I 'spose..."
Sirius hesitated a second before finally coming to a resolve, "hey, if it makes you feel any better.. you aren't the only one, yknow." Snape gave him a questioning look, clearly not understanding what he meant. Sirius sucked in his bottom lip, trying to articulate a sentience. "Ehm- I mean.. well, Regulus..." he trailed off, watching as Snapes eyes lit up in surprise and recognition. "You mean?-"

"Mmhm. Him too. I can try and ask him to talk with you, if you want? He's a year below you though so it might be—"

Snape shook his head, bringing his face back up from being hidden in his knees. "No!" He coughed, clearing his throat. "I mean, no. Please do ask him. I would like to speak with him about... things." He concluded, tone clearing of the muggy sound of crying to sophisticated weirdly fast.
"Oh, uh, will do..."

The next day, if anyone thought it weird that Severus Snape was sitting at the Gryffandor table, surrounded by the infamous marauders, no one even got close enough to say something.

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