Abrahim x Yakoov

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English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
They're pretty ooc in some scenes sorry
The Scholomance series
Abrahim x Yakoov
If you know the series, it'll only help with the references otherwise you don't need to know as I'll put a word bank below.
Explanation of the general Scholomance series (the school) so they are all wizards, they get sucked up by a teleportation spell when they reach the age of fourteen and are sent to the Scholomance where they train with spells, alchemy, artifice, and so on. There are monsters called Malcirificia or Mals. The way they power their spells is with Mana. Mana can be stored within the body but if you store to much it can cause mana poisoning. You can make mana by exercise, killing mals (only very few can), just generally doing something you despise (it feeds off your pain),   And other ways. The most useful way is to be apart of an enclave which provides you with a mana pool for all the kids in your enclave to draw mana from. Enclave kids are top of the food chain, leaving the non enclave kids as the losers, cannon faughter  (figuratively and literally). Graduation is the end of the year where the seniors dorms rotate to the final level and they walk through a hall to the doors to lead out, though over the centuries the cleaning system broke and now mals have taken residence, so it's basically a massacre where only few live. Most of those few being the enclave kids. The two I'm writing about are not enclave kids.
The kids will for alliances where they combine their strengths to get them out of the graduation hall alive. The school is magic, it lives on the very edge of the void (not important we'll get into that in another fic) so it's magic. The gym creates obstacle courses for the seniors to trial with their alliances to simulate getting out of the halls. And remember, the school is not opposed to killing students. In fact, the mana it gets from dead students is how the school stays alive.
The kids will almost never allow themselves vulnerability due to the aggressive and danger nature of the school. No one trust each other. Well, almost no one.

Word bank:
Maw-mouths (the most dangerous of mals, think of a big flesh ball covered in tentacles and a bunch of human limbs, eyes, mouths etc. all different kinds. If you are caught by one you never get free. If you are eaten then you live the rest of eternity within it, most screaming in agony, others silent after losing the final hit of their fight. The school has two resident maw-mouths who are probably the biggest in the century due to them just sitting and feeding for years. -Named Patience and Fortitude- Patience was here first)

 -Named Patience and Fortitude- Patience was here first)

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The dorm rooms the rooms are like cell blocks. Mals often hide in the rooms and can shapeshifte into items so it's not uncommon to have many metal things in case you need to use certain spells. The void will cover a wall of the room, occasionally taking up a ceiling aswell.

 The void will cover a wall of the room, occasionally taking up a ceiling aswell

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Mana is a how they cast their spells. They can build up mana by intent, exercise, singing, etc.

Currently it is right after El backed away from the big group after they got off the training grounds and turned to see the two having their moment.

Pausing, El looked down the hall and just stood there a bit dumbfounded by the sight. Ibrahim and Yakoov .. Really? Those two? I mean, shit, good for them honestly but really? Never thought those two would be together.
She shrugged and turned back to give them their space, despite being in a large open corridor she could do her part...

Tears were streaming down the brunettes face, his eyes shut tightly. After taking that first run with El, Nikoyo, and Aadhya's group the idea of graduation was finally dawning on them. If any of their alliances fell through, they were as good as dead.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.." Ibrahim was repeating over and over hands cupping the blondes face, eyes firmly shut. He jumped out giving a swift kiss to Yakoovs face, peppering over his lips quickly before retreating. They're in public after all.

That broke his final resolve, his face crumpling into tears as he pressed is forehead impossibly closer.
"There's no reason to be sorry .. we're all as scared as everyone else..." he whispered, pressing his lips gently to the brunettes brow, moving back almost the moment the chapped skin made contact.
He forcefully pushed Abrahim away, gently placing his arms on his shoulders. "Let me look at your wounds, I know you were grabbed by those vines .." he murmured, reaching down to pull at the mangled sleeve of the boys jumper. His breath hitched a bit when he saw the bloody mess that was his arm, looking back to him pitifully.

"Oh honey ..." he hushed, rubbing a finger over the brunettes tear stained face. "Let's uhm .. let's go back to my dorm and we can patch it up. I have better supplies there." Abrahim nodded, allowing Yakoov to grab his mangled arm and pull him towards the staircases. They passed a large group of brawny boys, Magnus in the middle all of them snickering. When they watched the two go past, their voices halted a bit, noticing the wounds. 'They must be nervous why we're so banged up ... they're going next after all' Yakoov thought silently, giving a half hearted nod to the last boy trailing after the group.

Once they made it back to Yakoovs room, he opened the heavy steel door and pulled the boy in, pushing him to go sit atop the bed as he began a thorough search of the room. Looking through the table drawers, the small iron chest, under the bed, on the light fixtures and so on to be sure no mals were lurking in the dark. For a final bit of reassurance he waves his wrist and mutter a quick incantation in old Sanskrit to put up a shield.
When he finished he went back over to the bed Abrahim was sitting on and sat beside him. Before he even attempted to grab at his arm again, the injured boy just sighed and plopped down, head resting in the blondes lap. Yakoov waited a moment before giving in and running his calloused fingers through the stringy hair. It's not often one gets to take a shower in here, you kinda just learn to live with the body filth.

He gave him another few minutes before he hoisted the injured boys head up and stood to go grab the yellow plastic jug from the corner and spill a little into his cupped hands and let it drip down the brunettes mangled arm, whispering a healing spell in French. The water turned almost gooey, gripping onto the boys arm and almost suckling as it pulled the blood away and began pushing its way into the open gashes, filling them and hardening into a suspiciously soft substance before jumping back out and plopping into the floor, now all brown and speckled with blood and dirt as it rolled loudly towards the drain and went down.
Looking back from the disgusting sight, the blonde looked down at the now healed arm, thick trails of newly healed gash wounds littered his arm, marring the pale skin.
Yakoov pursed his lips, running his fingers lightly over the scars. "I'm sorry .. I'm too low on mana to-" Abrahim hushed him by placing a gentle kiss to his cheek, slowly trailing little pecks over until he hit his lips. Pulling away, he smiled sadly and said; "I know love, we can't spare much mana this close to graduation..." his body gave an involuntary shiver, and he pressed up against the blonde, head resting in the crook of his neck. "We're merely months away ..." Abraham's light American accent bit out the words, his speech getting choked up and cut off as he began to tear up once more.

Yakoov just nodded carefully, wrapping his arm around his lovers back and taking the other to card through the slightly curly brown locks. He hummed quietly, a gentle tune that doubled as a soother but also a mana building exercise. They sat like that for a long while till they both fell asleep, sides against the metal wall of the dorm and heads resting atop each other, worries forgotten in the moment as they enjoyed each others company ... and Yakoovs surprisingly thick shielding spell. No mals bothered them that night, mercifully leaving them be.

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