Can I Borrow That?

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Monoma is shadowing hawks for the day and wants to try out his quirk. So he does. It doesn't go as he planned it to
—not edited—
Monoma was very bored sitting on the edge of a buildings roof, watching as his mentor, Hawks, whom he was shadowing today, gently flit back and forth as he drones on about gods know what.
"Sir.. I don't mean to be insolent, but I thought we were supposed to be on a scouting mission today..."

The winged hero paused mid air, wings beating a breeze into Monomas face. "We are, kiddo. This is what steakouts are all about! Lots and lots of waiting."
When he finished speaking, he did a barrel roll and landed semi-gracefully on the concrete next to the boy. Monoma gave a sigh before he stood and turned to face the winged hero.

Monoma had been rather excited to meet the number 2 pro hero, Hawks, when he was first informed that he was personally selected by the young hero's agency to shadow him.
His eyes were always drawn to the man, or rather, his large, beautiful wings. There was a form of elegance that accompanied the wings that seemed to act as their own when the pro was on the tv.

He'd always wanted to try them for himself.

Monoma snapped back into focus, eyes sliding over to the man's face and away from the water tower he had been staring at previously. He'd yet to tune in, but it didn't seem like what the pro was talking about was important anyways. He'd noticed a sort of habit Hawks had of over sharing and rambling no matter what the conversation was. It was endearing at first, interesting. But now it's just turned annoying.

"— and that's why you should always be careful when sitting on the edge of buildings during stakeouts!" He concluded, eyes opening from their previously closed position to see a rather bored looking boy who didn't seem to be listening.

Hawks huffed a breath, rolling his eyes before he snapped his fingers a few times. Monomas eyes, which had been previously glossed over in thought, were now focused on his face. "K.. I see my lessons aren't very interesting to you huh?" The platinum blonde tried to say something but Hawks just continued. "That's fine, honestly I probably wouldn't find me all that interesting either. So, how bout we do some... ground work?" His face split into a grin as he saw the boy perk up.

"Say, what's your quirk again?" He asked, picking lightly at a feather that had flown from his wing.
"Oh, it's called Copy. I can copy whatever quirk the person I'm touching has. I'm currently able to go up to four at a time!" Monoma was excited to share his quirk with the hero, quickly droning off onto a side rant about how many quirks he can hold at a time and what quirks he's 'borrowed'.

Hawks chuckled, holding his hand up when the topic began slipping from the initial theme. "Right, pretty awesome quirk ya got there. Why don't you test it out, hm? I can't very well carry you around while I fly can I.." that was a lie, Hawks could hold multiple full grown adults at a time while flying, and this kid looked scrawny enough he'd feel more like a pillow than a weight enough to drag him down... but he wanted to give the kid some initiative, some drive.
Plus, that quirk really did sound interesting.

When Monoma stepped a bit closer, he nervously held out his hand, still about an arms length away. 'What the hell? I've never been... nervous before. Not like this...' he thought to himself as he quickly tapped the winged man's arm. He absolutely did not need coaxing..

He felt the familiar hum of the quirk spread through his hand and traveling up to his brain. He didn't truly know how his quirk worked in the sense of science, but then again, how many people did? All he knew is that when he touches someone and 'absorbs' their quirks, it's like he's had them his whole life.

Hawks observed him closely, almost worried about how this little experiment would go. The lid was technically trying to use two extra appendages that his body wasn't modified for.

Monoma closed his eyes, and concentrated closely on the familiar hum of the new quirk in his head, pretty much just willing it to work. Sometimes it didn't, he really didn't wanna embarrass himself in front of a pro hero.

He felt a prick in his back.

Then another.

Then, he gasped as he felt his skin begin to burn. Like it'd been set on fire.

He doubled over, arms wrapping around his stomach as he fought to keep himself from vomiting from the intense pain piercing his back.

Hawks had quickly moved to him by now, hands waving around useless above his body, too afraid to touch him lest he make this worse.
When Monoma began to scream, his crossed arms clawing into his sides painfully Hawks took a deep shuttering breath and carefully pulled the boys shirt up,  attempting to take a look at his back.

It was his turn to do his best not vomit.

Monomas back had two, red rimmed holes that showed small little pointed bones that seemed to rest atop two arches that tangled and pushed from beneath the taught skin. Almost like his body just couldn't hold these parts in. They wiggled slightly, each moved making the blondes body spasm and a cry rip from his throat.

Hawks nearly gagged as he watched the bones slowly, but surely expand upwards, causing new bone formations to emerge from the students back, slowly stretching the now bloodied holes.
"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, what-" he broke off, turning away to gag again as the arches beneath Monomas skin rippled. Fucking rippled.

"O-okay, let's uhm, oh fuck. Uh, let's try- just, just lay down. On your stomach." Hawks very hesitantly instructed, carefully guiding the boy down by the shoulder into a half crouch, half laying position on the warm concrete of the buildings roof. As Monoma complied, he whimpered again, back arching up slightly when the... he guessed bones of the wings? Moved from beneath his stretched red skin.

Hawks, still freaking the fuck out, hovered his hands above the boys back before he gently placed them atop the rippling skin. When Monoma all but wailed, he quickly retracted them with an almost squeaking noise. "Oh this was a bad idea, a bad fucking idea."

When the bones began to stretch further out of his skin, they began to emerge smeared with blood and bits of gore attached to the hollow bones.
When they seemed to have fully emerged, finally allowing Monoma a split second of relief the bones began to shutter and spasm as patches of rough, bumpy skin began to pop up and grow over the bloodied bones of his new wings, feathers popping up slowly afterwards. They grew agonizingly slowly, starting first at the little fluff of a baby birds until they grew in the proper length of an adults.

Hawks had no idea what to do anymore, just sitting in his knees as he allowed the boy to grip his hand and squeeze like a vice as they completed their growing. When they wings had stopped their movement and the blonde had fall limp to the snow went concrete Hawks slid his hand from Monomas now slack grip and stood.

'Jesus Christ.' Was all he could think as he looked over the scene; a skinny boy, no older than 15 laying in a puddle of his own blood with mangled wings frown of of his equally as mangled back. His skin an ashes shade of gray as he sweat bullets.
'What the fuck am I supposed to do now?'

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