Chapter 13

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Rafe's pov:

"Dad,I don't understand what do you want me to do! I promise i took care of the problem from Druthers!"I said.I was on the phone with my father.I don't understand why my father never trusts me.I did some mistakes but when Sarah does something wrong it's no problem.

It's clear that Sarah is the favorite ,she always was.But i wish Ward could understand and love me too.He always gave his attention just to her.

My mother was the single one that loved me and understood me.At the genetics i look like her,dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.I loved her more then anything.

I was 8 when she found out that she have cancer,and after 9 months she died.That was the day i died too if i can say like this.She always told me how to treat people ,she was the most kind women i ever met,well until i met Harper...

For some reason she remembers me of mom.The way she talks,her personality,her smile...

No,i need to stop thinking about her.Anyways after my mothers death ,Ward introduced us to Rose.I hated her the moment i saw her.I hated the thought of her replacing my mother.I made her life here a whole nightmare,I would put spiders in her bags,worms in her slippers and every time she would try to control me,well...lets say that her purses would appear in the pool next morning.And the hatred feeling was mutual for her towards me.

"Rafe,i need you to grow up!If you want to take care of the family businesses one day,that means that you need to let the nonsense and take the responsability."

"Im taking care of the problem,ok?"I said and i hang up.

I honestly was happy when i heard that he and Rose are going to the Bahamas house while the summer break.But of course that he is calling Sarah hours in hours to see what is she doing or if she is ok.But he doesn't give a sh*t about me or Wheezie.

With the years,me and wheezie grew up more closer because we had a thing in common.The fact that doesn't care about us.I always protected wheezie,and honestly she was the single one that I really cared about.I mean i would always protect Sarah too and I care about her too but it's just that me and Wheezie always had an special bound.

Because of this problems with the time is started doing cocaine too.I used to do at parties but with the time it became an obsession.I tried to stay clear but i just couldn't.

I went to my motorbike and put my helmet on.As I left to go to Barry's.


After some time I arrived on the cut at Barry's trailer. I needed to get my mind off things.

"Country club!"Barry greeted me with his stupid nickname.

"Hey Barry."I said.

"Let me guess,you came here for some cocaine?"

"Yeah,the usually ."

In the trailer and outside were drunk people or high.Usually peoples from the cut.In the trailer was a mess.Empty bottles of beer or white powder residue.

He showed me a bag of white powder.

"Do you have the money?"Barry asked me.I nodded and gave him the money.

I took the bag and i put it in my jeans pocket.

As i was leaving my eyes caught across the room an familiar blonde.Maybank was here probable for weed or to pay his fathers debts.

He found my gaze and looked direct in my eyes with an disgusted and full of hatred look.This piece of shit literally pulled an gun at Toppers head and he is giving me that look?

Lucky that we can't start a fight here because Barry would kill both of us if we would scare his customers.I sent him a death glare and went to my motorbike.

But then it hit me. JJ will tell the pouges that he saw me 100%. That means that Harper will know too.

I usually don't care what people think about me but for some reason i didn't want Harper to know that I bought drugs.

I went on my motorbike and left to go on Figure eight.

I always loved to drive an motorcycle. I had always liked the adrenaline and it felt good to know that you have full control of something.


After some time i arrived at Tannyhill.

I went to the kitchen and there was my little sister Wheezie.She was at the kitchen counter probable doing some homework.She looked up from her books as her gaze went to me.

"Oh,hi Rafe!"She greeted me and she had an big smile tug on her lips.

"Hi Wheez,what are doing?"I asked her.

"Just some homework,what about you?Did you were with that cute girl,Harper?"She asked me as her smile was more bigger.


"Sarah told you something, didn't she?"

"What do you think?She told me you like her."She said smirking.

"I don't like her."No, it's just that my mind is always running with thoughts about her.

"Yeah,whatever you say.You know that you can't lie to me anyways."

Of course that my nosy little sisters talked about me and Harper.I love them but can't both sometimes just mind their god damn business? Now these two are gonna tease me about  this constantly.

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