Chapter 10

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Sarah's pov:

I woke up with a horrible hangover.I got pretty drunk yesterday at the party.Harper even passed out in my brother's arms.It was funny to watch how him carried her to whole way to the car.We got her at Tanny Hill,there was no way that we take her home.Imagine her brother's reaction if he would see me,Rafe,Topp and Kelce they're biggest enemy's with his sister,especially after my boyfriend tried to kill him.

I went downstairs.Topper and Kelce stayed the night at ours and Harper  was still sleeping in my room.I changed her clothes with some more comfortable ones before we put her in bed.

"Good morning sunshine!"Topper said.They we're in the kitchen.

"Good morning!"I said.

"That party was crazy!I think i drank 10 shots!"Kelce said.

"Did Harper wake up?"

"Not yet,she drank so much that she blacked out,but i liked the way Rafe carried her."I said giggling.

We we're talking about the other night party when we heard an phone ringing.I found on the counter a phone i didn't know.

"Who's phone is that?"Topper asked.

"Maybe Harper's."Kelce responded.

I took the phone and when i looked on the screen i saw.

 'John B'

Oh no....It was Harper's phone,and she didn't tell him anything about where was she going.So practically she didn't come home last night because she is right now in my bed.

I remembered that she told me how overprotective her brother and best friends are.

"Shit!What do we do now?"Topper asked.

"I think John b is worried sick right now!"

But then an idea popped in my head.

"I'm just gonna respond,change my voice a little and tell him that im her friend and she accidentally fall asleep.Don't say anything."

I responded at the call:

"THANK GOD ,YOU FINALLY RESPONDED,WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU HARPER?!" John b's voice heard.You could tell easily how angry and worried he was.Time to put the show.

"Oh..hi..It's not Harper at the phone right now,I'm her friend,she was at mine and she accidentally fall asleep.She didn't mean to worry you."

"Wait..what?I can't believe this girl...Is she alright?Could you please give her the phone?"He was still very angry.

"She is still sleeping but im gonna tell her to call you when she wakes up."

"Ok,but what did you guys do?And what's your name?"He asked.Topper and Kelce we're trying very hard to not explode in laughing.I send them a death glare and continued:

"Oh uhh...My name is..Emily!And we just watched a movie and talked."I lied.

"Ok,well thank you for  telling me.Bye!"And he hang up.

"I can't believe he ate the lie!"Topper said laughing.

"Yeah he is so dumb!"

Harper's pov:

"Harper."I felt someone shaking me.I opened my eyes and saw Sarah over me.I felt horrible.I have a horrible hangover and i don't remember anything of what happened last night.

"Sarah?What happened?And what am I doing here?What happened last night?"I asked confused.

"Uhh well you blacked out because you drinked too much and my brother carried you to the car and we took you to Tanny hill."She said.Rafe carried me?I felt how i started blushing.

"Thank you!So what happened last night?I don't really remember.

But then i remembered the truth or dare game.O.M.G i stayed on Rafe's lap?!I felt for some reason embarrassed.

" and my brother kissed..."


"Calm down i'm kidding!"She said laughing.

"Wait a minute....MY BROTHER.!Oh my god i didn't tell him we're I am and i was gone the whole night...I'm dead."

"Don't worry,an hour ago he called you and I responded.I told him that im one of your friends and you accidentally falled asleep while we we're watching a movie."

"Good,i mean he will still be angry but at least he knows that i was just at a 'girl' friend."I said.I know how the boy's are when is something about a boy.

"I need to get home,the pouges are probable worried sick,thank you so much for everything."

"No problem,i'm happy we are now friends,do you need a ride?Rafe's is still asleep"

I got up from the bed and then i realized that i'm not in the same clothes.I was wearing an oversized t-shirt and an pijamas shorts.

"Oh i changed you while you we're passed away.I give you some short's of mine and an t-shirt from Rafe."She said.

I was  wearing Rafe's t-shirt?!It doesn't matter right now.I need to get back home before JJ,John'b and Pope will look in the whole cut and figure eight  trying to find me.

I was walking in figure eight on the way to get home.I told Sarah that I don't need a ride.I was in such a hurry that i didn't realized that i was still in the clothes that Sarah changed me.

I was walking when i heard a car behind me.He stopped and when i looked to see who is in the car of course that it no other than Topper.

"Hey Harper,do you need a ride?I need to go some where and i need to pass trough the cut to get there,i can let you home."I was surprised to hear Topper's idea.

"Topper thornton?The kook that hates the pouges with his whole heart,want's to give me a ride?Are you planning to kill me or something?"I asked,I was extremely confused.

"Look,even if you want to or not we will need to get used with each other if your gonna hang with the Cameron siblings,so hop in the car."He said.

He tried to kill my brother!But he was still right.I hesitated for a second but then i got into the passager seat.

"See?It wasn't that hard?"He said.I mean I can't say that he did something to me but still i didn't trust him.

"Yeah..."I simply said.

"Look i know that there we're problems between us..but i'm not that bad,i just don't like pouges,but i appreciate the fact that you helped Rafe and are a good friend to my girlfriend.So what do you say?We should start again?"He asked.

I know what you guys probable think.He is a bad person,but after Sarah's words Topper is just trying to protect them exactly how the pouges would protect me.

"Yeah sure!Why not?"I said giggling and he smiled.

While the ride we talked and he was actually nice.Imagine if the pouges would find out that im friend with their biggest enemy.


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