Chapter 5

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(Im sorry if i made some mistakes,i wrote fast so there could be writing mistakes)

         The next day I woke up by hearing voices in the other room.Problally the other pogues had come at the chateu as they ussually do everyday.I got up and get out of my room.Pope,Kiara,JJ and my brother were talking as JJ layed on the couch.I greeted them with a smile.

  "Look like someone had finally woken up!"Jj said a smile on his face and Kiara and Pope chuckled.John b wasn't looking at me but he responded at JJ's comment:

  "OF course she had oversleep when she had come home throught her window at 2 am in the morning" As her friends looked at her with shock and confusion on their faces.

  JJ brooke the silence:"What does John b is saying,Harper?Where the heck where you tilll 2 am?!" He was really angry.He was very overprotective exactly like my brother and poope as well.Next to them,Kiara always understood me she being a girl as well but if one of them would trully knew where and especially with who I was last night bu this moment i would be dead,and Rafe too.

   "Harper,I asked you a question!"JJ spoke loosing his impetience.I already lied to john b that i was at a party at the beach but I still was nervous and scared to tell them too the same lie having the feeling that Pope or Kiara would know if I lie.

  "She told me she was at a fricking beach party!"My brother responded to my best friend.

   "What?!Without telling nobody?What if something bad happened?We weren't there and we wouldn't know where she is."Pope said but not angry just worried.

  Well something cleary happened as I remembered the events from a night before.She being sexual harrased and the kook king helping me.My heart skipping a beat as the remembering of the handsome dirty blonde haired boy.Ugh i hated myself so much for this feeling.But then i realised that I was staying there awkward being lost in my own thoughts.

  "Earth to Harper?Are you there?"Kiara said with a amused look on her face.

   "Yeah,sorry guys,but i can take care of myself ,I just wanted to do something on my own for a litlle time,we are always togheter and with my and John b dad's disapearance i wanted to be alone a litlle."I said hoping they will get the lie.

  "We understand but the next time plss atleast tell us where are you going."

  "Deal!"I said with a relief sigh.

   "So who wanna go surf?"JJ said with a soft smileom his face.

Rafe's pov:

  Me ,Kelce,Topper and my sister were on the beach.We were talking about the party that was the other night.But today I was kinda lost in my thoughts .If im being honest my mind was at the girl that I helped a night before,and the  same one that treated my wounds a few days before.This feeling was new and weird for me.I never had this feeling before.  I came to reality as Topper was talking about how he and my sister "blasted" the party.

  "...and then we jumped from the roof!"Topper said with a big smile on his face.He been my best friend since 3th grade ,when i found out that he and my litlle sister are togheter it was a litlle wierd for me,but then i got used to it.I don't date,i don't like this kook girls that are usually just after money.

"Rafe?Are you ok?you seem kinda lost today." Kelce asked.

  "Yeah,kelce's right.And where did you disaperead  yesterday at the party?Cuz I couldn't find you anymore. "Topper said.

  "It has something to do with Harper Routledge?Because I have seen her yesterday at the party."My sister said.I hated the fact that somehow she always knew the reason  at everything.

  "Wait... what?!What the hell was she doing at  a kook party?!"Topper asked angry.

  "I asked her and she told me something like to annoy her brother because he always is bossing her around."Sarah responded to her boyfriend's question.

  "So she think she can come to a kook party she being a pogue?"Kelce said stoding up for Topper's argument.

   "Geez, calm down a litlle."I said.

  "So ,Rafe, it has something to do with her."My sister coming back at the other conversation.I knew that Topper and Kelce with blow up If i  tell them the whole story but I didn't really care.

  "Kinda..." I said as Topper asked:

  "What do you mean?"I could see Topper's annoyce.

  And I told them the whole story.How that boy  from the party harrased her and I helped her and how I  drive her home from the party to the Cut.

  "Plss tell me this is just stupid joke."Topper said already begging to tell him that I was just joking.And Sarah just to make it worst she said:

   "Aww that's so cute!"And she smirked as she looked at me.Of course she is gonna tease me because of this.Im know as a person who don't offers help to girls.

  "Sarah plss shut up.You are making it worst."Topper said as Kelce burst out laughing.

    "Geez stop exagerating."I said thinking how would be their reaction if I tell them that I gave her my number.Wait,I completely forgot that I have her number.

   While Kelce and Topper were lecturing me about why I should not be near a pouge my attention reached a group of pouges and especially a girl from that group.It was Harper with her brother John b and her two friends Kiara and JJ.

  Topper realized that I wasn't paying attention to him anymore and he looked in the direction I was looking .

  "And we were talking about Harper."Sarah said as she chuckled as she realised that I was staring in that direction.

  "You've gotta be kidding me!"Kelce said as I looked at the beautiful blonde girl.Did I just thought at that?I questioned myself.

  "Why are they always everywhere?"Topper spoke with a exasperation tone.

  As I was looking at them I saw how JJ got very close to Harper and put an arm around her.In that moment a  strange feeling knocked me.Sarah came in my back and whispered to me:

  "Someone jealous? " My sister said laughing as i jumped by her's unexpected reaction.

"Geez Sarah you scared me!"

 I wasn't jealous,right?

Author note:It looks like Rafe is starting to get a litlle jealous.Anyways ,in the next chapter we will have some Rafe and Harper content.And Harper will have the ocassion to get to know Sarah better.Hope you guys like this story !! :)

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