Chapter 6

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I was staying in my bed after a long day of surfing .JJ is the god of surfing.But im making sure he doesn't find out that im saying this.John b is still angry after our argument.I was lost in my thoughts when i hear my phone ring.I got a message.It was from someone i didn't have in contacts.

The message:Hi!It's Rafe.I wanted to ask you if you want to hangout on the beach.

OH GOD.It was Rafe!My heart started beating faster as I seen his name.'What?Why?'I thought to myself.Should I say yes?Well of course I did.And I responded.

"Yeah,sounds good,see you there!"

My brother and my friends can't find out where and with who im going so of course that i needed to sneak out.

I get out through my window headed to the beach.

Why would Rafe hangout with me?I mean i helped him once and he helped me at that party.Well anyways,im gonna find out soon.

As I reached the beach it was easy to find Rafe.I could see his tall figure near the water.And i walked to him.

"Hi!"I said

"Hi!Im glad you came!"He said with a soft smile on his face.His blue eyes were softing in the moon light.

"Yeah!Why did you ask me to come here?"I asked with curiosity.

"Well I was just a litt le bored so..."He said.

"Interesting."I said while we started talking.And for the kook king that should be a jerk as my friends words he was kinda funny and nice.

"Did your friends find out about how you helped a stupid pogue?"I asked curios.


"And how did they take the news?"I asked laughing.

"Well my sister doesn't had any problem because she is that kind of the kook that don't hates the pogues,maybe just Kiara.Topper begged me to tell him im just joking and Kelce was socked.Something normal."He simply said as I burst out laughing .

Rafe couldn't take away the thought of how beautiful her laughs is.As he smiled at her.

"Do you know why Kiara and Sarah hate each other so much?Kiara always told me that Sarah Cameron is one of the most horrible persons on the earth."I said as I waited Rafe's respond.

"All I know is that they both did something bad in they're friendship ,this is what Kelce told me.Because Sarah is saying that it was just Kiara's fault and I can bet that Kiara is saying the same thing about Sarah."

"Yeah,your right.Anyways,I should head back home before my friends don't go crazy."I told him.

"Do you want me to drop you off?I don't mind."He said.

"Really?Yeah sure.Ty so much,but not in front of my house so my friends can't be able to see you."The thought of being on the motorbike with him again make my stomach explode and I hated that feeling.

"Ok,don't worry,cmon."he said as i followed him to his motorbike.I get on it and he gave me a casket so my head can be protected in case of something.

I hold him tight as my butterflies were flying in my stomach at the feeling of having me so close to him.

After not a very long ride we reached the cut and i told him to stop somewhere near the cut so the pouges can't be able to see him.

"Thank you for the ride!"I said as I looked in his ocean hazel blue eyes.

"No problem!It was funny hanging out with you."He said with a smile on his face as we hold eye contact for a few moments.But then I snap out of it feeling awkward.

Her eternity love-(rafe cameron obx)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt