Unpleasant Realization

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A massive monster was seen terrorizing the entire city, destroying random buildings with its grotesque oversized arm, crushing nearly everything under its feet, and just randomly spewing out lava, burning and melting everything in sight. Luckily, all the soldiers from the Providence were able to both distract the enemy by using Grade-A military weapons against it and escort all the remaining civilians to safety. The soldiers did this not only to get everyone away from the monstrous EVO, but also to create space for those who were about to take out such a threat.

"Three Way Fisting!"

The Evo Giant only had enough time to glance at the source of whoever said that ridiculous statement before getting a three-way Omega Punch to the face from Rex's "Smash Hands: Drill Mode", Seryu's "Number 1 Shinko's Ball of Justice" and Koro's normal giant organic fist; the hit was so strong that it caused a massive shockwave which shattered all the windows of the surrounding buildings and blew away any cars or random objects in its vicinity. This three-way attack was more than capable of knocking down the threat, rendering it completely unconscious.

"A dirty name, I know, but I couldn't help myself~"

Rex and Ubiquitous were able to safely land back on the ground, thanks to their "Boogie Packs," or "Rocket Shoes." The human EVO commented and laughed at his own dirty-joke combo name.

"How was our combo move dirty?"

Though Seryu, who was holding her Koro in her arms, couldn't help but tilt her head in confusion, clearly not understanding what her commander was talking about.

"... I think we should just call it something else."

Quickly changing the subject and ignoring the question, Rex without giving his sidekick a chance to say anything else, walked up to the EVO and placed a hand on its shoulder; a moment later, after a brief period of intense concentration and technological magic, the creature had reverted back into a normal human being.

"There we go, good as new."

Rex backed away and gave the human a chance to process what just happened, while also allowing Ubiquitous to pull out a large towel to cover the naked human.

"You have been saved in the name of Justice, Mr. Civilian, I wish you a peaceful recovery."

Seryu spoke with gentleness in her voice as she helped the human back to their feet and made sure they were completely alright.

"T-Thank you, both of you..."

Once the human was back on their feet and understood what had happened, the person quickly let out tears of joy and hugged the two saviors tightly, beyond thankful for what they had done.

"U-Um, people are watching!"

Rex started to feel awkward, and even panicked a little when he saw the human become naked again when their towel dropped; though his sidekick could only giggle lightly and smile as she patted the person and let them have a moment of feeling relief and happiness for being saved. Soon, after the Providence Military took away the human to get treatment, while also beginning to clean up the mess that was made by the EVO, both Rex and Ubiquitous just sat down at a random bench, somehow still intact, and just had a moment to rest after defeating the enemy. They were even snacking on some ice-cream they got from a destroyed ice cream truck; the soldier girl still left some money as she didn't want to steal.

"Doesn't it feel nice to know we did good and saved someone from Evil?"

Seryu shared her ice cream with Koro, he ate it all in one bite, unfortunately, though it didn't bother her as she looked at her commander with a satisfied and joyful expression, no doubt feeling this way after committing good deeds and helping the public in the name of justice.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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