A Hint Of The Future

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'The upside to having a new partner means I have some more friends around my age for once, not to mention a potential girlfriend if I play my cards right.~'

Rex could be seen walking through the hallways of Providence Headquarters, more specifically heading towards the location of Dr. Holiday's lab room.

'The downside is that it's my job to train her and look after her, usually not a problem since it gives me the chance to hang out with her more.'

Rex looks like he just woke up. He lets out a very tired yawn, rubs his eyes in an exhausted manner, and appears a little disheveled, with unkempt hair and lazily worn clothes.

'But it does mean waking up earlier than usual, not only because of what Six and Doc said but also because I would rather not have Seryu stand in front of my door all morning again... Eh...'

Rex finished complaining in his head, stretched his body so that he could wake up more, let out one last yawn, then opened the door to the lab and walked inside.

"Hm, I wonder when Seryu will get her room, Six mentioned something about getting it ready... I will be very mad and jealous if it's better than my broom room closet."

Before Rex could have another reason to be grumpy and annoyed this morning, he was quickly interrupted by the sound of sniffling and whimpering.

"P-Papa... O-Oger... S-Stylish..."

This immediately caught the human EVO's attention when he heard the sounds of crying and a voice filled with heartbreaking pain, which seemed to be coming from the Seryu Ubiquitous.

"I-I'm sorry... I'm so s-sorry that I couldn't save you..."

The robot teen quickly ran down the stairs and headed toward Seryu, who was currently sleeping in one of the medical beds, with her metal arms and legs removed, while hugging her Koro tightly in her sleep.

"I-I don't deserve your forgiveness..."

Though when Seryu's commander stood beside her bed, he was able to see her crying face, filled with so much sadness, regret, and shame. It was something that felt so new and unfamiliar to his partner.

'How can a cheerful spunky person look like this?...'

Rex frowned slightly as he refused to see his sidekick suffer like this anymore. Reaching a hand out to her, he gently placed it on her shoulder. However, when he did so, he was quickly met with two guns aimed at his face, which startled him greatly and caused him to fall to the floor in shock.

"Commander Rex?..."

Seryu, who started off threatening and panting when she woke up, had calmed down after catching her breath and realizing who it was. She lowered her guns, which shrank down and dismantled back into her arms, and just looked at him with a tilted head.

"D-Didn't mean to startle you Seryu, I just looked like you were having a nightmare and I just wanted to wake you up from it."

Rex also calmed down, no longer having a gun aimed at him. He cleared his throat and stood back up to his feet.

"I was having a nightmare?..."

Seryu looked even more confused by what he had just said, which surprised him a bit.

"You don't remember your dreams?"

Rex's partner simply shook her head no, which made him hum and grab his chin, now thinking deeply about something.

'Hm, I should talk to Doc about it later, hopefully, it's nothing, but I'm not taking chances with a soldier girl who clearly suffers from PTSD...'

Before Rex could do anything or Ubiquitous could say anything, both of them were instantly cut off by the sound of red lights flashing and loud alarms blaring loudly at the two. The noise was so loud that it even woke up Koro, who had been sleeping peacefully before all this commotion.

"EVO destroying a nearby city, prepare to move out and confront this monster!"

The speaker informed everyone about the situation and everyone immediately took action.

"Let me know if you're not feeling up for it, ok? I'll call Dr. Holiday if you need to-"

"I'm fine Commander Rex."

Seryu stopped the worried Rex, giving him a very bright and happy smile. While letting Koro bite onto her, giving back her metal arms and legs, which she used to stand up from her bed. She then carefully carried her beloved pet close to her.

"Let's stop this EVO monster together from causing any more Injustice!~"

Seeing Seryu look more motivated and determined made Rex happy. However, in the back of his mind, he couldn't help but still worry, though he wasn't sure if it was about her or something else in particular.

"Ok... Let's Go Kick Some EVO Butt!~"
Actually, weird question and a slight spoiler, in the next Chapter, Seryu will openly kill someone in front of Six and Rex, a criminal to be more specific, and the question I am asking is that after killing the bad guy, how would Six and Rex, plus Holiday and Whiteknight, react to this, I know Rex would probably have some disagreement, but would he get very mad with Seryu, be disappointed, or very scared of her? Would like to hear your thoughts and opinion before I write the next chapter, twank u wuv u~

(Next chapter will be Ep.1, I'm open to suggestions and ideas on what should change or be kept the same)

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