Chapter 6

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Lucas. P. O. V..

When I drove fast to home.. I don't know why but I strangely wanted  to see her face... When I knocked the door.. She opened it and smiled bright..

What's this..?!! Strangely my heart feel at ease.. All that nervous feelings are gone..

" are you just going to Stand there like This ...?"

she asked as she went inside.. I closed the door and she is watching TV with snacks.. Living with her in the same room.. I know she can enjoy herself to the fullest.. I Sat on the floor leaning on the couch... She came back with two beer cans and gave one to me as she Sat beside me..

" why are you sitting down..?" I asked

" then what about you..?" she asked back..

" I like sitting on the floor.. When I wants to clear my head" I said and she nodded a understanding yes..

" I was already sitting on the floor.. I may fall asleep midway watching this series so I better sit down.." she said as she opened the can.

" what's wrong with sleeping midway..?" I mumbled and she so silent for a minute

"I will tell you but you shouldn't tell anyone and should. not. laugh. OK.?" she said looking serious..

" yeah fine.. I am not sure about the later though.. So what's it..?" I asked

" I.. One time fell down from the couch while  sleeping .. I hurt my back and it hurted so bad for weeks.. After that.. I never sit on the couch while watching TV .. "she said..

I tried to control but I can't.. I started laughing and she pouted which made me laugh even more.. She is.. So cute..

"since you look so beautiful when you smile.. I will Let you go this time.. Hmph.."

she said as she stuffed her mouth with a huge piece of chocolate cake. She looks  like a chipmunk while eating. I drank my beer as I stared at  her  eating cutely..

"here try this.." she said as she feed me a piece of cake..  it's too sweet.. still.. It's good..

"I never thought cake would go well with beer.." I mumbled and she smiled.. Her smile is So beautiful.. Seriously..

" I know right.? Helly always says it's weird" she said

" may be.. We are the weird ones.. Who knows.." I shrugged and she giggled

" lucas.. Can I ask you something..?" she asked titling her head.. Her hair fall into one side.. long and glossy.. Now only I noticed she is wearing a extra large tshirt.. With one side sliding off from her shoulder..wait.. Is she wearing anything underneath..? I can't sure if she is wearing a shorts..? Shit..!! Are you pervert lucas..? Stop thinking like that...!!

"yeah..what is it..?" I asked as I tried hard to take my eyes off her..

" you.. Why do you hate touching so much..?" she asked. I didn't said anything..

" ohh... Sorry if I bothered you.. You don't have to tell me.." she said and  she was about to get up.. I felt the sudden   urge to make her  stay that my hands act on its own and pushed her to sit down..

" no.. It's.. Not  like that.." I said words hardly came out

" NO.. I am Sorry.. Forget what I asked OK.? " she said smiling.. How can I say no this beautiful smile.. She don't know anything  still she helped me this morning..

"I Will Tell you..." I said and when she settled down beside me.. My heart felt at ease..

" when I was fifteen .. There is this girl called racheal in my class..she always pester me saying she loves me.. I am her's and all kind of creepy things.. I was extremely annoyed by her, I even thought about changing  schools.. She is kinda weird you know.. Like a psychopath

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