1. Prologue

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I will never forget the day my beautiful life became hell and everything I thought was happiness turned into misery and agony with no one to lean on.

For something that wasn't my crime, I was made to pay for it. A sin committed by my mother, yet I was forced to suffer for it.

My mother got pregnant for a vampire to bore me a mix breed of both werewolf and vampire, which she kept a secret to everyone till it was exposed on my 16th birthday.

That was a day everything I thought was happiness and love vanished from my eyes into the thin air.

I was that beautiful young girl who dreamed of the best out of her life, growing up in the pack just like every other werewolf and having my parents and friends who loved and cared for me so well like a princess.

My parents are among the pack hunters, so we were respected and loved for being part of the safety of the pack. But it all came to an end in a blink.

Just like a nightmare, the perfect life I thought I had was no more and it all started on the day that was supposed to be the happiest day of my life.

It was a day my parents, friends, and I all longed for, and we were all wishing the clock would tick very fast just so the day would come.

My 16th birthday was when I would make my first shift and finally become a complete wolf who would begin training as a Hunter for the pack so it was to be a memorable day for me.

If I had known it would turn out so ugly that way, I would have prayed it never came. It turned out to be a horrible nightmare that hunted me like a monster in the night.


"Selene, come over here and cut your cake!" my mother squeaked happily at me where I was gisting with my school friends.

"Oh, it's time, baby..." They all cheered with smiles, come pecking my cheeks as I blushed and grinned in excitement.

I went over and just as I held the knife, I felt the first strange feeling, but it all faded.

After cutting the cake with the Alpha blessing my new age as they all glimpse at the clock waiting for it to hit 12am so they'd watch me shift.

Crowd was gathered for my birthday, and I was lucky to also have the alpha and the luna, who decided to honor my parent's invitation.

I went over to join my friends as we all began to drink and eat with happiness and smiles on their faces as they enjoyed both the foods and wines to their fill.

My friends and schoolmates were all around me, cracking jokes and making sure I laughed out my lungs and enjoyed my day.

Just then I felt the sudden strange sensation in my body again, as if something deep inside me was stirring to life.

At first, I ignored it. But it turned into a sharp pain that grew more intense until it became too much to bear, forcing me to scream. My little mind thought I was about to shift into my wolf, which is why I didn't run away.

If I had known what I was about to transform into, I would have sped into the dark forest to prevent anyone from finding out, but I was ignorant.

Under an unseen force, I stumbled and fell to the ground heavily, writhing in the crushing pain as the snapping of my bones could be heard.

The entire hall went into cheers and celebration as they watched me and chirped among themselves happily.

"She is about to shift!"

"A new warrior is arising!!"

"What color will her fur be?"

The all murmured among themselves and were all happy that I was about to become a fully mature werewolf, but we were all wrong.

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