Goodbye for now

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Hey again,

I just wanted to let you all know I'm rewriting Story of the Liberator. I have made the difficult decision to discontinue the current version and start afresh with a complete rewrite.

After careful consideration and feedback from friends and my from myself, I have come to realize that significant improvements can be made to the story from the Plot and in my own writing.

Please understand that this decision was not made lightly I am 100% committed to delivering a story that meets the expectations of my readers and myself,

I would like to express an apology to all those who have been following the original version. I am sincerely sorry for any attachment or investment you may have had in my story. I assure you that I am taking this opportunity to improve and create something even better.

I truly appreciate your support and patience as I worked on this book and i hope it will continue in the new version of the novel. I will strive to create something better but new the same characters the same theme but a story what i don't feel as though with every chapter i dig myself farther into a hole that becomes harder and harder to escape from within the narrative .

Thank you for your understanding, and I hope you will all join me in Story of the Liberator V2.

Thank you all for reading and for giving me the confidence to even get his far in the first place thank you all,


(Ps. don't worry the original isn't going anywhere I'll keep it up)

The story of the Liberator [discontinued for rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now