A hard fight

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Liberator's POV
Port Moresby,Papua New Guinea

The orange warm glow fire lights up the cold night as AA guns and CWIS continue to engage enemy aircraft in the dark sky

'they don't give up to do they that's the third wave tonight don't they have better things to do than sit here for two  fucking weeks throwing their bombers into a meat grinder they must have a lot of carriers out there to keep sending attacks with such numbers but if they want to keep wasting there only way of attacking us I'm not gonna complain'

Foxtrot 1-6 "command this is foxtrot 1-6 we have run dry on anti-air missiles requesting permission to land and resupply over"

Me "permission granted foxtrot 1-6"

Foxtrot 1-6 "copy command foxtrot 1-6 out"


'I don't want to do this anymore why couldn't god let me rest? When those bombs when I thought it was over the chaos the hell the death but no now I'm here in a backwards version of the earth fighting ship girls'

My thoughts are stopped when I notice the AA guns have gone silent

'that must be it for the night finally gonna able to get some sleep'

Me "hey Alaska I'm hitting the hay talk to you in the morning"

Alaska "copy that talk to you in the morning"

I put the radio up for the night and walk down the hall to the captains quarters a feeling of relaxation washes over me as i take off my uniform i pass out as soon as head hits the pillow taking me into a nightmare filled sleep.

No one's POV
Unknown island 5 miles from port Moresby

In war room of the USS hornet a massive fleet consisting of eight battleships,six carriers,four destroyers and four cruisers all standing around a table with a map the besiege port

Cleveland "Why are waiting the Air attacks clearly aren't working why don't we just go in there with the battleships and the longer we wait those two unknown destroyers causing trouble out west could interrupt operations here"

Enterprise "you know why or did you already forget what happened to prince of Wales and your sister"

Cleveland gives a look like she is going to respond but before she can illustrious steps forward

Illustrious " Cleveland is right the air attacks aren't working there AA and planes are too strong but sailing in there and going gun to gun with them isn't going to work either so if anybody has any ideas please step forward"

Javelin "what if we fall back and act like we're abandoning the siege and when they break out of the port we ambush them?"

Enterprise "that actually isn't that bad of an idea and if we spring the trap right we can hit them before they realize what's going on"

Iowa "I like it and I've been fixing to get some revenge after they blew my turret to smithereens"

Illustrious " before we agree let's take a vote all who agree to the plan raise your hand"

All of the girls raised their hands simultaneously

Illustrious "So it's agreed"


Liberator's POV
Port Moresby,Papua New Guinea

The story of the Liberator [discontinued for rewrite]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang