Chapter XIII - Fortune Favors The Bold, And We Are The Embodiment Of Fortune

Start from the beginning

Making my way to the center of the classroom, I made my declaration.

"Could I have everyone's undivided attention for a moment, please?" I announced.

As I do so, all eyes were on me now. Well, not counting Kouenji-kun who seemed like they couldn't care less and left the classroom.

"I know it's been hard for us all but, I'd appreciate it if you'd all listen to what I have to say."

"What is it, Ichinose-san?" asked Karuizawa-san.

"I have something I want to say, and I want everyone to hear me out. It's about our class moving forward."

There was some murmuring going around the classroom, some were doubting if our class even had a chance left anymore but luckily, mostly everyone had stayed. If our class is to prevail, then I have to ignite a new passion into everyone's hearts and souls.

"It's been tough, there's no denying that," I began, "It's been even tougher since one of us was expelled but what's important for us is to move on."

"That's easier said than done, Ichinose," said a student.

"Yes, I know. This isn't something we an all bounce back from completely. I, for one, also can't move on from the fact that someone was expelled but, if we all want to achieve our dreams of getting to Class-A, then we should all strive for it together," I said.

My message wasn't strong enough, I've already accepted that. But, I'm not done yet. When I was about to continue, another individual had entered the scene.

"It's just as Ichinose-san says. If we all want to reach Class-A, then everyone's cooperation is a must," Horikita-san said, chiming in, "Without it, then Yamauchi-kun's expulsion will be left as it is, a simple expulsion."

It was a surprise, but a welcome one at that. Horikita-san will be able to do what I can't, and that's appeal to everyone's impartial state. Deep within everyone, there's a logical stand point, and with it, you can understand that certain things must be done to accomplish your goals. It's the straightforward maneuver called 'bargaining'. If Horikita-san and I work together without differing from the same purpose, we will be able to convince everyone.

"As harsh as it may sound, putting personal feelings aside, Yamauchi-kun was the only acceptable solution back in the special exam. Everyone that is here is valuable in their own way and can contribute something when the need arises," said Horikita-san.

"The other classes may look down on us but that can change. We can grow as a whole and this class will rise to Class-A. Through everyone's hard work and dedication, it can be done," I said.

People were looking at each other,  a lot still weren't convinced. Especially the ones that were strongly impacted by the exam but eventually, we started to gain new supporters.

"Y-yes, of course I'll help, Ichinose-san," said Wang-san, looking as if they already set their minds on her answer.

"I'll also lend my hand to everyone I can," said Kikyou-chan.

More people began to find peace, and now that things were going as well as I had hoped for them, the once-dead classroom was beginning to come to life once more. I let out a momentary sigh and glanced in the direction of Horikita-san, who was watching the class as they had a new hope to hold onto.

"Thank you for that," I said.

"No, I should be the one to thank you, Ichinose, for finding the courage to stand again."

"Aha, no, I probably should apologize too."

"Apologize?" Horikita-san said, tilting her head a little.

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