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Lexi knew how she was heading back to work for the first time since having Siennah. She knew that she was going to miss her baby. But she needed to make money. For her family.

She knew that it was going to be hard. But she was going to do it. She was worried about how Siennah would be being in the crèche. She knew that she had been the only person who spent the whole day with her.

She felt like it was hard for her to leave her. She knew how Fletch had been talking her into it. He had been her support. And she felt like she could do it. But she didn't want to.

She didn't feel comfortable leaving her daughter alone for the first time.

All she knew was that things were getting hard. And she didn't know if she could leave her daughter.

Morning came and so Lexi was lying in bed with Siennah in her arms. She sighed and kissed the top of her head. "Mummy doesn't want to leave you today sweetie. But I've got to. Work needs her back," she said.

Siennah was looking up at her. Lexi held her close and sighed. "I don't want to go. But I have to," she mumbled as she looked to her.

Fletch walked in. He smiled. "I know you don't want to. But going back to work will be okay. It's going to be hard for you at the first. But it will be okay."

"I just feel bad. She's so little. And I don't want to leave her," Lexi mumbled.

Fletch laughed as he smiled. "I know babe. But it will give her room to grow. And it will give you chance to get back into the grove of work," he told her.

Lexi rolled her eyes. She sighed as she looked to her daughter. "I don't know what I'm meant to do. She's so small and helpless," she said.

"Babe. She's the toughest of all of us."

Reluctantly Lexi took Siennah into the day care. She saw Madison and smiled. "Hey. I thought you were on maternity leave?" She said.

Madison nodded. "No. I am. I just got bored."

Lexi rolled her eyes. She smiled. "So. Siennah is officially a daycare baby. And I miss her already. It feels weird knowing she's literally behind that door and I can't just go and scoop her up," she told her.

Madison smiled. She knew how her best friend was an amazing mum. She wanted to be half the mum she was. "I think she's going to be okay. She's got you for a mummy. And my brother for her daddy."

"I know. Listen you need to take it easy. The last thing we need is for you to give birth in an elevator," Lexi told her.

"I'll be fine. I'm not due for another four weeks."

Fletch pulled Lexi into his arms. He kissed her and smiled. "I've missed you. Are you doing okay?" He asked.

Lexi nodded. "I'm as okay as I can be. I miss her. But I know she's okay in the crèche. She has to be okay in the crèche."

Fletch held her close and smiled. Neither aware of how an incident was about to blow their lives apart.

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