Agreed to Help

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Kai and Jay took the four dancers to the monastery. Cole's body had returned to normal and still was decked out in the Ground Shaker's costume. 

"I'm sorry about the show," Cole apologized. "I know you two were looking forward to it."

"We probably shouldn't've gone anyway. Krux and Acronix are still at large. It's been months and we need to stop them."

"Maybe now that Cole's unlocked his true potential, we can beat them."

"I hope so. Wu's growing weak after that battle with Acronix last week. I'm getting worried about him."

"What battle?" Cole asked.

"You've been pretty busy lately. I'm guessing to get ready for that show," Jay spoke, continuing after Cole nodded. "Last week, Wu went to fight Acronix alone again. We didn't get there in time and he got punched by the green Time Blade. He's been pretty weak after."

"That's not good. Is there any way we can help him?"

"Give him down to rest up."

Kai opened the doors to the monastery. Nya, Zane, and Lloyd were training in the courtyard, jumping over the obstacle course. It was nearing night, so the sky was red and orange as the sunset. 

"Guys, we're home!"

"I thought you two were at the concert. Did something happen?"

"Vermillion attacked at the beginning. The Stone Hearts didn't even get through a song."

Nya looked at the four. "And so you brought them here why?"

"Krux and Acronix want them for some reason. Here's the safest place for them."

"Is this an excuse to have your idols live with us?" Lloyd asked.


"Sorry to interrupt, but could we shower or something?"

"Right, of course. Kai, could you lead them to the showers? The rest of us will start thinking up a battle plan against the twins."

Kai nodded. "Follow me, boys. We have a few different showers and lots of hot water."

"Great. Do you have any spare clothes we can borrow? These are all sweaty and gross."

"Of course. Ryan, you should be the same size as me. Cole's got some spare clothes of his in Jay's room. Micah and Bennie, you two should be around Lloyd's size."

"Why is it in Jay's room?"

"Jay offered the closet space."

The four were showered and in clean clothes. They followed Kai down to the garage where the ninja were planning their next attack. 

"We've spent a lot of time training Cole. While we've been doing that, they've been growing stronger."

"We need Cole too. He's years behind the rest of us. In order for us to win, he needs to be the strongest he can be."

"What do you suggest we do, Lloyd?" Kai asked as he arrived.

Lloyd sighed. "I don't know. But could you introduce us?"

"Right." Kai stepped aside. "You all already know Cole. But this is Ryan and Bennie. Micah's the angry one over there."

Ryan smiled widely. "It's awesome to meet you!"


"Oh, get this. Cole's Ground Shaker."

"Really?" Nya looked at Cole. "Actually, that explains a few things."

"That doesn't matter right now. We need to make a game plan." Lloyd looked at the other three Stone Hearts. "Are you three willing to help us fight the good fight?"

"If it's going to help Ninjago, absolutely."

"Great. Glad to have you on the team."

"They'll need training too."

"It won't be as good as what Cole's gotten, but we're running out of time. Nya, Kai, you two try to figure out what they're planning. Zane and I will train these three."

"What about Cole and I?"

"You two try to find out how to help Wu. We're going to need our Sensei."

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