First Training Session

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Writing this instead of sleeping, lol

"You're home late," Micah said as flicked on the lamp. "Ryan and Bennie are already asleep."

Cole shrugged as he took his shoes off. "Took a walk and lost track of time."

"You're still covered in glitter."

"Glitter's impossible to get off. You know this."

Micah rolled his eyes. "I've been saying to—"

"Get rid of the glitter, I know. But it's an iconic part of the Stone Hearts. People would freak if we got rid of it."

"We've only been around a year. We haven't even released an album. We just do stupid singles."

"Nothing wrong with singles." Cole sat on the chair. "How did your date go?"

"She stood me up. I sat watching a stupid rom-com by myself in a theater."

"You could've left."

Micah shrugged. "I didn't want her to show up late and I not be there."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. I called up Ryan after and he took me out for dinner."

"Like a date?" A smirk grew on Cole's face.

"No!  He was just helping me cheer up."

"Sure he was."

"I'm going to bed." Micah stood up, smoothing his pants down. "You should too. We have a long day at school ahead of us tomorrow."

"I have plans after school."

"Pft, you?" Micah yawned. "You know what, nevermind. I'm too tired for this bullshit."

Cole made his way up the monastery stairs, his music loud in his ears. He hummed along, in a good mood. School had gone well and now he gets to train with the coolest people in Ninjago, other than his friends of course.

Once he got to the door, he knocked. Jay, much to Cole's secret joy, was the one to answer the door.

"Hey! It's Cole, right?"

Cole nodded. "It is. Can I come in?"

"Of course." Jay moved aside. "I don't get why you don't just move in with us."

"As cool as that would be, I've got a decent paying job, friends, and school in the city, so I can't exactly completely uproot my life like you all did." Cole walked inside, the other ninja already training.

"The city? You live in Ninjago city?"

"Yeah. I have three roommates."

"That's way cool!"

"I guess."

"Ah, Cole. I'm glad to see you arrived here safely," Wu interrupted the conversation. "The other's and I will be helping you learn how to fight before you being your training to control your elemental powers and learn how to use Spinjitzu."

"Zane made you a gi last night!"

"A gi?"

"Yeah! So when you make your depute, you'll fit right in with the rest of us!"

"Oh. Uh, is it okay if I can keep my identity a secret?"

Wu smiled, walking toward his new pupil and handing him his ninja gi. "Of course. You will be fighting against Zane first. I will help guide you through the moves."

Cole nodded. "Do I change first?"


Cole now wore a ninja outfit, the mask covering his face. He felt weird not wearing tank tops or the glittery three piece clothes he wore for shows and videos. It was surprisingly comfortable, made out of soft fabric.

The others, minus Zane, stood behind the railing. Their eyes were trained on the pair in the middle of the courtyard.

"Alright, the first thing you need to do is face your opponent. Perhaps raising your fists in front of you with your knees apart."

Cole did as he was told, wiggling his toes. He had taken off his shoes, knowing that he had the best movement of his whole body when he didn't wear shoes. Zane came running toward him, no weapon in hand. 

He had to duck to avoid Zane's metal arm, rolling on the ground. He hopped back onto his feet and jumped, doing a fancy twirl in midair before kicking Zane's face. 

The kick made Zane stumble back. He hadn't been expecting Cole to land a hit on him so soon.

Wu stood up straighter, watching Cole dance around Zane. Cole was more agile than he had thought he would be, but it was nice to see. He knew how to fight and Wu was going to hone in those locked abilities.

Cole sat on the floor, taking a long sip of water. He was sweaty and bruised and tired and pumped full of adrenaline. He had lost the fight in the end, but he was still proud and surprised that he was able to last almost ten minutes against a trained master of Spinjitzu. He did almost as well against the other ninjas too.

"Cole! You were amazing!" Jay complimented him as he sat next to him, holding two plates of cake. "I don't know what you like to eat, but Zane made this this morning and it's so good. I figured you would like something after an intense training session."

"I love cake," Cole mumbled. He set the bottle of water down and took the plate from Jay, eagerly taking a big bite of the chocolate sweet. "Oh, wow. Zane made this?"

"Mhm. He's amazing at cooking. You should stay over for dinner."

"I can't. I have work at 3."

"How long will it take you to get there?"

"Maybe forty-five minutes. Why?"

"It's almost 2:30."

"No. It can't be." Cole set the plate down and pulled out his phone. He had a few missed calls from his quartet and dozens of texts. "Oh. It is almost 2:30. I've gotta go change then leave. Thanks for the cake."

"Here. While you change, I'll put it in a container and you can take it home. Just bring it back next time you come over, kay?"

Cole nodded. "Thank you so much, Jay."

"Any time, Cole."

Cole took off toward the bathroom, his whole body sore. He changed in record time and called Bennie as he walked back into the courtyard. The phone rang against his ear, the tub of cake now in his hands. He waved to the others and walked down the stairs.


"Bennie! I'm so sorry. I had something planned and lost track of time."

"You do that a lot. How far away are you?"

"Forty-five or so minutes."

"Seriously? You are so lucky we need you in tonight's gig." Bennie paused. "Yeah, it's Cole. He's forty-five minutes away... I'm not repeating that to him, Mic."

"Micah cursing me out?"

"Yep. Get here as soon as you can. Maybe call a taxi."

"Traffic's pretty bad at this time. It'll be faster if I walk."

"Good point. Anyway, Skylor's telling me to get off so she can do my hair. See you soon."

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