Alice in wonderland.

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{I came across this picture and giggled .}

[3rd Person Pov]


Bakugou was completely over it.

As much as Midoriya tried convincing himself everything was fine, he knew how bad their situation was.

They'd been stuck in the past for 5 days already.

They've already done everything they could in order to go back, but nothing has worked.

They've slept together, they've been nicer to each-other (directed to Bakugou), they've played with each other, they've done EVERYTHING. Yet they were still stuck.

Izuku kept trying to convince himself that they just missed something, but Katsuki had already lost it.

Bakugou pulled on his hair as he screeched, "AGHAJSJCJSNAAAAAAA IM GOING TO KILL MYSELF-"

"KACCHAN!! CALM DOWN, YOUR PARENTS WILL HEAR YOU!!" Izuku yelled over Bakugous voice in order to muffle it and cover his disturbing words.

Midoriya groaned. "The only thing we haven't done is tell each other secrets but why would that even be necessary in the first place?"

They looked up at each other in unison once it finally clicked in their minds.

"We're so stupid." They muttered together.

♡( ˶˘ ³˘(˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)

"Hurry up bitch." Bakugou rolled his eyes as he waited for Midoriya to catch up, sitting on top the log that started everything.

He'd ran ahead of Izuku, determined to quickly get back to their own timeline and leave.

Midoriya was breathless once he finally stopped on the log and sat down.

He leaned back on his arms as he took in big gulps of air.

"Ser-.... seriously Kacchan..... I told you to wait up!" Izuku gasped between his sentence. "How can you... run with such- such small legs?"

Bakugou scoffed in amusement, "You're just weak." He taunted.

"Kacchan!" Izuku pouted with a whine, "You literally ran from your house all the way over here, how are you not out of breath?!"

Katsuki yawned, "Ehh I don't know, force of habit I guess."

"HABIT? Wha- you do this on the daily?!" Izuku stared at Bakugou with wide eyes, not liking the way he kept learning more things about Bakugou than what he thought he knew.

Katsuki rolled his eyes, "Let's just get this fucking over with already, I'm literally going to jump of that roof myself if this shit doesn't work."

Izuku sucked his lips in and silently prayed to the rulers of the world to let this work already.

"Alright, Look through the tinted seas, or whatever it said. So we basically just tell each other what was going through our minds when the whole thing happened." Bakugou restated, to get the both of them back on track.

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