The arrangement

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[Author Pov]

Day: Saturday

Time: 7:30 AM

Location: Hospital/ Meeting room

So currently Bakugou and Midoriya are still cuddling in sleep at the hospital. They kept them there in case for any reason there's after affects like vomiting, dizziness, nausea, etc.

And Nezu the rat- I mean Principle Nezu held a staff meeting.

"So you want to expand the dorms and make it a 2 person thing?" Aizawa asked as he looked over the blueprint to the new dorms design.

"It's because of those two, Midoriya and Bakugou, isn't it." Hizashi curiously asked flipping through the blueprints uninterested like how a toddler would act.

"Yes. You guys saw it yourself, magic at work when they were put together. You see though those two usually are together and sometimes have physical contact, but we've never once seen this phenomenal happen. So we want to see if it had something to do with the fact that they were sleeping or just because of the situation." Nezu stated with a straight face.

"So you really just want to see if the magic will happen again if they are together more is that it?" Shinji (Kamui Woods) asked already knowing that that was exactly why the small white hamster wanted to go out his way to rebuild the whole dormitory.

Aizawa rolled his eyes realizing that his two problem children were going to be part of Nezu's experiment.


Day: Saturday

Time: 5:46

Location: Car

[Izuku Pov]

The nurses gave Kacchan and I specialized pills to take in case we feel sick or woozy.

I don't exactly know why but Kacchan is being super quiet right now as we are getting driven back to U.A by Aizawa.

"Kacchan?" I whisper turning my head to face him.

I don't know if he didn't hear me because of the fact that we're sitting on different ends of the car or because of the fact that he's just zoned out.

He could also just be ignoring me though.

"Uhm, so you two are going to share a dorm together-"

 Kacchan yelled snapping his head toward Aizawa and cutting him off his sentence.

Geesh, he heard Aizawa but not me? He definitely just doesn't want to talk to me. Ouch.

Aizawa sighed and asked, "So you two know about the whole magic thing that happened in the hospital that literally saved your lives, right?" Aizawa looked at the rear-view mirror to be able to see us.

Kacchan and I nodded in unison.

"Well the damn rat is using you guys as an experiment to see if you guys somehow strengthen your bond you'll be able to unleash magical ability's." 

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