Do you remember?

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[3rd Person Pov]

"Its right there!" Izuku exclaimed as he bent a bit to be able to fit through the hole in the gate, pointing at the log they had walked on ages ago.

"Hurry up!" Katsuki cheered, purposely bumping into Izuku's side when he walked past him.

The two ran up to the log but stopped in-front of it, not wanting to risk breaking it with their weight.

"So... now what?" Izuku questioned realizing neither of them really knew what to do after this.

"Uh.. its said hand in hand, so maybe we have to hold hands while we walk across it?" Bakugou said although it came out as a question.

"But the hand in hand part would be when we walked here. Not while we walk over the bridge." Izuku clarified.

"Oh. Lets restart then." Bakugou said grabbing Midoriyas hand and dragging him to where the gate was.

Izuku complied with Katsukis request and the two walked hand in hand. Izuku blushed realizing he loved how Katsukis hand felt in his own but shook his head to get rid of the thought.

And if he was being honest, the part he loved most was being able to feel his warm hand instead of cold. It was a reminder that he was alive.

They walked to the log before abruptly stopping in front of it again.

Nothing happened.

"Well this was a waste of time, we must've got the poem wrong." Bakugou said giving a sigh of disappointment.

"You're supposed to walk over the log and sit on it dumbasses. It's so obviously stated in the poem." Kitkats voice ringed in Bakugou and Midoriyas ears, although there was no sign of the second blonde other than their necklaces starting to glow when he talked before stopping when he stopped.

"Oh my bad." Izuku sarcastically called out, rolling his eyes with his next comment. "Guess we'll walk on an old rotting log that supported our way lighter bodies years ago."

Izuku stumbled forward, caught completely off guard when Katsuki tugged his hand and slowly started walking on the log.

Guess we're doin this.
Midoriya wearily thought to himself as thoughts of them both falling because of the log breaking filled his mind.

They both cautiously started crossing it, being careful with every step before noticing their necklaces start to simultaneously glow.

"Thats never a good thing." Bakugou muttered out before getting flung into the stream underneath them by a unseeable force. Izuku and his hand disconnected as he got thrown and landed on his bottom in the water  with a "Oof."

Izuku was awestruck and stood in shock for a couple seconds. After all its not a natural occurrence to have your friend get flung by what can only be described as an invisible person. Izuku snapped back to reality when he heard Bakugou wince in slight pain.

"KACCHAN WHAT- ARE YOU OKAY OH MY GOD-" Izuku cried out worried that his best friend had gotten hurt. He jumped down the log and beside Katsuki in the river causing a splash to erupt with impact and the both of them to get wet (katsuki getting even more wet).

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