Part 12

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Taehyung closed his eyes and let the sleep engulf him in a deep slumber, he was way too tired because of everything

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Taehyung closed his eyes and let the sleep engulf him in a deep slumber, he was way too tired because of everything

Hyungie?! Jk called Jimin who was patting Tae's head and caressing his hairs

Jimin hummed in response

Tell me honestly hyung, what is hyungs profession, why someone did this to hyung?! Jk asked with teary eyes looking at Taehyung and all the bandages he was having

Bubba, he is the same person who killed uncle, aunty 2 years ago, actually he wants to take mafia king position that's why he is doing this Jimin spoke while looking down not daring to make an eye contact with jk

Then what's the problem hyung, just give that person mafia king position, atleast we can live peacefully then jk said really not knowing how much his words affect jimin's heart

Yes bubba we will give him that position, he will leave my bunny and bear alone Jimin spoke with teary eyes but kept his head down so jk doesn't see his tears

Jk laid beside tae and hugged him nuzzling his face in Tae's hard chest but careful with his injuries to not hurt him and slept while hugging his hyung listening to his heartbeat which always calm him down

Jimin pecked both of their forehead and went out of the room to let them rest for sometime

But what will happen when jk will find out that his sweet hyungie is the most dangerous mafia king
Y-you are a-a mafia h-hyungie
B-bub let me e-explain
To be continued

You all will get small episodes only from now onwards because I am disappointed from all of you and till the time I heal from this pain you are getting small episodes only sweeties, try to adjust for sometime

Any idea for next episode, tell your views, what will be jk's reaction
Take care
Love you all

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