Part 11

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I won't leave that person, who did this to you hyung, he won't see tomorrow sunrise Jk spoke his eyes teary but red and angry looking at his hyungs condition

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I won't leave that person, who did this to you hyung, he won't see tomorrow sunrise Jk spoke his eyes teary but red and angry looking at his hyungs condition

Tae looked at him but didn't said anything as he was feeling too weak and the pain in his whole body was making it worse

Ajhuma came back after calling the doctor Jimin dear, doctor will be here in 5 minutes Ajhuma spoke as she started at Taehyung with worried, concern eyes

Alright ajhuma, let me take him to room first Jimin spoke as ajhuma nodded

Jimin put his one arm around Tae's shoulder and waist and made him stand up slowly, Tae groaned in pain as his wounds started hurting more, He felt another arm holding him, he looked at the owner of the arm and it was jungkook who was looking at him with teary eyes but putting his another amr around Taehyung, he helped Jimin in taking him to his room

Jimin put his one arm around Tae's shoulder and waist and made him stand up slowly, Tae groaned in pain as his wounds started hurting more, He felt another arm holding him, he looked at the owner of the arm and it was jungkook who was looking at h...

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Taehyung's room
Jimin and jungkook bring Taehyung in his room, and made him lay on his bed slowly

Hyungie how did this happen to you?! Jk asked now crying, he can't see his hyung like this

Jimin and Taehyung looked at each other silently not knowing how to tell jk the truth of him being a mafia

Bubba, we will talk it out later okay?! He's weak and in pain right now, we should treat him for now!! Jimin spoke softly to make jk understand and smiled when jk nodded his head

Jimin took a small scissors and came near the bed and sat beside Taehyung on his right side

Bear, I will cut your shirt okay?! Jimin spoke softly and Tae nodded too weak to say anything

Jimin slowly started cutting his shirt first from waist side till his shoulders, after cutting the shirt he slowly start to pick the cut cloth pieces up, but Taehyung screamed in pain when Jimin tried to pick the shirt piece which was stuck on the wound

Ahhhhhh hyung no Tae screamed in pain as his wound started to hurt more

Jimin stopped what he was doing and looked at Taehyung who has closed his eyes shut tightly trying to bear the pain

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