19 -side chapter

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It's already winter and everyone are rushing home due to the public holiday. Jimin exhaled nervously as he kept on shifting his weight on his feet back and forth until he grew bored on it.

A lot of people passing by him but none of them ever attract his attention. In fact, he's waiting for a specific alpha to make an appearance at the exit of the airport. Thinking about it alone was enough to make the omega feels all giddy in his stomach.

He misses Jungkook a lot.

The alpha disappeared for three days to Japan for a business trip and Jimin cannot sit still ever since Jungkook left home. Luckily they decided to call each other regularly to ask about how's their day going or else Jimin might go pouting all day.

After eternity, a familiar bulky figure of an alpha can be seen stepping out of the exit with his luggage. Jimin can see clearly that Jungkook is trying to call someone on his phone and a second later, his phone vibrated in his hand. It's him.

He waited until Jungkook lifted his gaze up and their eyes met. Jimin has no idea of what has gotten into him as he shyly waved to the alpha.

However, much to Jimin's confusion, Jungkook seems surprised. "Love?" He muttered once the gap between them is only a feet apart.

"Welcome back." Jimin smiled sweetly to the point that his eyes disappeared and Jungkook swore that he could feel his heart is beating faster.

"You should stay at home, it's cold outside." Jungkook said while caressing Jimin's cheek who didn't think twice before leaning into the touch.

"Is it wrong to welcome my husband at the airport? It's your first business trip since we got married." Jimin purposely pouted his lips.

Jungkook blinked his eyes in disbelief before turning around to check their surroundings. Once he realised that the airport is full of people, the alpha released a heavy breath out of his dry mouth.

"I really want to kiss you until you're out of breath right now but maybe that can wait, we're in public."

That was enough to make Jimin burn in embarrassment, each side of his cheeks are tinted with red hue and he swore that his heart is beating in inhuman pace. He afraid if Jungkook who is standing in front of him might hear it too.

"I-I drive your car here, I hope you don't mind." Jimin muttered since he's too shy to speak anything out loud. Not to mention he didn't trust his voice much at the moment if he's being honest.

Jungkook hummed while extending his hand to hold Jimin's. "What's mine is yours anyways."

He pulled his luggage with another hand as they walked together to the parking lot. They were embraced in a comfortable silence but Jungkook didn't like it, he wants to hear his husband to talk more with him unlike right now.

"Which car did you drive here, love?" Jungkook asked to get rid of his curiosity and Jimin turned his head to look at his husband. "Pink Tesla."

The alpha immediately frowned in pure confusion.

"Since when do I have pink Tesla?"

"I paint your black one."

"Jeon Jimin?!"

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