III. Hard times

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No matter how bad your heart is broken,

the world doesn't stop for your grief

- Faraaz Kazi

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Act 1, Scene 2

Principal Campbell sat in her antique cushioned chair, a warm crackling fire burning before her in the fireplace. She sat there for quite a while, staring at it while the large office filled with numerous old files, books and awards was now suffocating in an awkward silence.

"In all my life of being a principal" she began, in a seemingly fake British accent, tapping her fancy golden pen against the desk. "I've never come across something as treacherous as this,"

Her brown eyes fixed upon each and every one of us, full of suspicion and thought. "I don't know who to blame but I was told by Mrs. Rachel that you four" Mrs. Campbell paused to point at us, who stood idle before her. "You four were particularly close to the young girl by the name of Mia Wells"

Hannah then exchanged me a worried glance, more like the what-if-she-suspects-us type of glance. "It's been exactly two days and still no sign of her and as of now, we've got the police involved, I need you four to follow me"

Saying so, she rose up from her chair. Principal Campbell was a short middle aged woman with a sloppy wrinkled face and thick lips with a layer of dark red lipstick. Her face kinda reminded me of a blob fish and her curly brown hair was cut short, in a complete mess that sort of resembled a bird's nest.

Her heels echoed on the wooden floor, making her way out as we followed in silence when she turned around to look at us. "Have you girls got anything important that I have to know?" she enquired with a questioning brow.

"We received this last night" I sighed, handing her the exact same note that James had given me and she looked at it disappointed. "Mrs. Campbell, I know this sounds very unlikely but if you let us assist you with this, we might prevent more disappearances from taking place" Thea proposed nervously, twirling onto the ends of her hair, but the principal only looked at her with disgrace.

"I strongly believe that I shouldn't hand this over to a bunch of young girls like you, who might mostly mess things up" her lofty voice mocked and then guided us outside the office and into the passageway that led to the library, that now smelt different.

It reeked of various unfamiliar chemicals combined altogether and officers in navy blue uniform were present, some stood guard while the rest were inside the library, talking over something serious in hushed voices.

The entrance was covered with yellow tape to prevent commoners from setting foot into the library. Mrs. Campbell smiled at the officer by the doorway, permitting us inside and before my eyes was none other than Mia, who seemed very alive and fit two days ago now with a bloody uniform and multiple cuts all over her body.

My heart ached to see her killed before the very walls of the high school because I never expected murder to be her end. The nurses carried her away on a stretcher and her diary had a page that was left open, written in blood, another threat

"See you soon"

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New game, new rules

Who survives?

~ahlanazarx ⛓

THE NOTE { DISCONTINUED }जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें