VII. Everyone's a suspect

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"The less we know, the more we suspect"

- Josh Billings 

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ACT 2, Scene 3

The raindrops drummed outside the clear glass panes of the window while faint classical music stirred around the walls of the principal's office. Mrs. Campbell sat on a fancy red cushioned seat, slowly sipping on her tea, her large bulging eyes casting into the glowing fire that burnt in the fireplace. Strangely, there was always fire burning in Mrs. Campbell's office as far as I've known. 

"I'm sure you must be wondering why you're here, Ava" Mrs. Campbell spoke up at last, running a napkin over her thick lips. "I received a call from your parents last night. They were extremely worried about your mental health and well being considering the ongoing murder spree that's taking place in Mount Preston High at the moment. They've requested for a counselling service, what do you think?" she questioned with a sigh, her face showing the least of emotion.

"I don't think I'd really need one, Mrs. Campbell" I replied, being quick to refuse. She nodded lightly, looking extremely disappointed. "Mount Preston High is undergoing a huge loss at present. Things would only simmer down once we've caught the killer" 

"But Mrs. Campbell, why not shut the school down? I mean, it would prevent deaths from taking place," I suggested and within less than a second, quickly regretting what I just said. "This isn't the first time I'm hearing this Ava. I've been pressurized by a lot of parents and officers to close the school down but that would only make the investigation more complicated and there are high chances that the killer, mostly a student would escape from the school after fleeing with their family which would lead to injustice for those souls we've lost" she paused to glance at the antique grandfather clock. 

"Perhaps you may take my leave now Ava," she reminded me and I nodded, thanking her as I slowly walked my way out of her office, heading straight to the dormy.

* * * * * *

I flung open the door of the dormy only to find it empty and lifeless, swallowed by damp rainy darkness although the rain had now come to a halt. I expected either Hannah, Thea or maybe even them both to be here in the dormy getting ready for class but finding it empty wasn't on the list but eitherway, I wasn't surprised as I walked over to my bed to find a little note.

My heart raced in my chest, fearing it might be another threat note from the killer who might've possibly broken into my dormy but a while later, only realized that the note was from Thea which I easily understood from the elongated messy cursive handwriting. 

Just received news that first class for the day has been dismissed. Thought I'd go celebrate with James and Hannah. We're currently chilling out in the abandoned garden shed with some cookies. Feel free to join us or else you could spend the rest of your time nerding around just like Mia used to do

- Thea 

I grabbed the little piece of paper as I crumpled it and threw it under my bed. Waves of memories splashed over recalling those good old days where Mia would always refuse for some illegal snacking during class or roaming around the hallways during recess, bringing up the excuse that she wanted to spend some time in the library or revise for some upcoming class test. Those happy memories were quickly washed away by bitter sadness only remembering that she no longer lived.

I sighed sadly and went to grab my long coffee brown overcoat from the hook choosing to spend the rest of my time on my own. Slipping on the coat, I headed up the old stairs that led to the terrace which was the highest floor of the school building. Large thick rainy clouds sailed over the grey skies while the average sized terrace overlooked the splendid grandeur of Mount Preston High. 

The entrance of the high school was decorated with a beautiful welcoming garden designed with colourful flower beds while a pearly white marble fountain stood proudly at the centre of the school courtyard resembling a large fish standing upright with water spewing out of its mouth. Towards the left was the abandoned garden shed where Thea, Hannah and James were supposed to be. The garden shed was in ruins with loose wooden planks and rusty nails, the shed surrounded by piles of old dry leaves. It was the perfect place for a get-to-together being no longer in use was the place where the school's garden equipment were stored. 

Footsteps. I felt heavy footsteps vibrating as they neared me and again my heart set of, beating alarmingly as it rung loud in my ears. I turned around quickly expecting a human with a knife only to realize that it was none other than Ryan Martinez, standing tall and sulky. 

"Ryan? What are you doing here?" I asked him, heaving a sigh of relief, grateful that it wasn't the killer. 

"Or maybe I should ask you. What are you doing here, Ms. Ava Anderson?" He questioned sounding completely neutral as he took a few steps forward, leaning towards the terrace's low walls. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I often come up to the terrace frequently to spend some time on my own. I feel invasive to find another person in my privacy spot." he shot back rather blandly. 

The next few seconds were spent in relentless silence as we stood apart, staring at the scenery before us. 

"I've got a feeling that the killer's German or knows the language fluently" Ryan began abruptly with an emotionless cold face. 

"What makes you say that?" I asked, turning towards him, my voice sounding almost like a whisper. 

"It happened the night of Mrs. Rachel's death," he paused to clear his throat. 

"It was quite late that night and I assume most of you were asleep in your dormitory. James had invited me for a game of football just so that we could take our minds of the murders and deaths. Having no choice, I accepted and spent the next twenty minutes playing when the game was paused as James left for a drink of water. I waited for a while and when he didn't return I decided to go the dorm room when I passed by the classroom where Mrs. Rachel was killed. 

 The classroom was flooding with officers, some guarding the entrance which was covered in crime scene tape while the others were inside, carefully lowering her corpse onto the stretcher as they slowly carried her away. Her arm dropped out, dangling from the side of the stretcher that had a word engraved onto her bare skin, probably done with a knife I suppose," he paused to remain silent for a moment. 

"What did it say?" I asked sounding both curious and dreaded. My palms were all sweaty with fear, swallowing the dry lump in my throat, waiting for response.

"Rache" he replied, pronouncing the word carefully. "A German word for revenge."

 "Lucky my dad's German, he'd always compel me to learn German during the holidays before I joint Mount Preston High." he sounded proud of himself for discovering a new lead.

Suspects are everywhere

Worst part? It could be anyone

 And someone's desperate for revenge.

PS: I might take breaks in between from writing :) 

@ahlanazarx ⛓

THE NOTE { DISCONTINUED }जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें