II. New note, New threat

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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Mount Preston High, Monday evening 

ACT 1,  Scene 1

The sun had almost set as it stole away the bright orange streaks from the evening sky paving way for night to come. The sky was dark, with not a single cloud in sight as the strong wind now turned fierce, blowing harshly against the trees causing some of their leaves to fly away.

The dorm room was pitch black except for the dim yellow lamp that stood on the wooden desk at the centre of the room between the five beds out of which only four were occupied. "I can't believe someone would do something so cruel" Hannah spoke through gritted teeth, slamming her fist hard against the bed from anger. "First Mia disappears and now they leave behind stupid threat notes and photographs of her pinned onto the bulletin board, how worse can this get?"

"You've got to calm down Hannah" Thea tried her best to avoid being yelled at by Hannah who was already in a bad mood from Mia disappearing into thin air. "It isn't your fault you know, we did try look for her for almost the whole day" she continued twirling the ends of her long wavy red hair, "But if we're going to find Mia, we need to come up with a plan" Thea paused to ponder for a moment.

"Does anyone have any guesses as to who would've captured those pictures of Mia and pinned them onto the bulletin board? The one that shows glimpses of Mia entering the gloomy library?" Emma spoke up in her already fragile voice. "I sort of suspect Bianca" I spoke up at last, after taking a deep breath, my mind still refusing to digest what I had seen on the bulletin board. 

"Why her?" Emma questioned sounding slightly surprised. "There was always some sort of rivalry existing between them, especially when it comes to topping the class once the exam results are declared" I replied after much thought, still unsure with a strange mysterious feeling rumbling in the pits of my stomach.

Our conversation was interrupted by sudden loud frequent knocks on the doors that momentarily frightened the hell out of our souls. "Gosh! that was unexpected" Thea said panting. "I'll go get the door" I frowned walking towards it, as I swung it open to find Thea's identical twin brother, James standing outside.

"Ava!" he exclaimed sounding cheerful, excitement lingering between his bright eyes. "Have you come for Thea?" I threw back a partial disgusted glance, James has always been trying to flirt. "Not exactly, I went to classroom to get back my textbook when I found this on the table" he paused, to dip his hand into the pocket of his trousers to pull out a white envelope and handed it to me. "It's addressed to you, Thea, Hannah and Emma" 

"I can see that" I snapped, wanting to offend him, "Anyways thanks for nothing" I grabbed the envelope and slammed the door on his face, returning back to my bed. "Who was it?" Hannah asked tilting her head, trying hard to see what I was holding. "James" I replied, throwing myself on the bed as I slowly opened the envelope to pull out a piece of paper which on reading it, made my blood turn cold.

"Mia's already gone, you all better stay near because very soon, someone's gonna disappear"


One disappearance will soon follow by another, but who's gonna disappear this time?

~ahlanazarx ⛓

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