"What do you think?" asked Joong after he finished share the gifts.


"You went shopping and didn't tell me....", I replied.


"Do you want to buy something?"


"No....not that....don't you know I feel bad not bringing anything."


"I already brought it for them."

"But...I'll pay you..."


"Don't worry, I brought you to this place.... and about those things....just think of them as gifts from us." He said.


From us?

"Let's go in."


Meeting dozens of small children who were so friendly made me very comfortable...


"P'Dunk.....see this"


"P'Dunk... let's play this"


The kids were calling me to do this and that while Joong seemed to be talking to the owner of the orphanage while staring at us....

"P'Dunk...try this flower crown"



I felt something land softly on my head, a child handed me a flower crown and gave me a mirror....


I unintentionally looked at Joong and smiled....



Dug dug dug

I was surprised when he smiled back at me


"P'Dunk...let's play", my hand was pulled again, they took me to the field to play soccer this time.


"Nam...Nam...here's the ball..."




"Gollll!!!!!Yayyyy!!!!", I shouted and knelt down while opening my arms wide to hug the kids who came towards me.


So I decided against it....


And at that moment...


My eyes unintentionally fell on a boy who was running towards the back....


I became a little curious....without thinking, I followed him, but....before I could greet him, he was already gone....


"What's wrong with him?", I muttered.


"Here you are...", Joong came and pulled me into his arms.



"I thought you disappeared...don't go too far..."


he hugged me very tightly...


"J-Joong...I can't breathe," I said in a low voice.


"I'm sorry", he let go of the hug.


"N-no problem"


"Let's go...lunch is ready"







"What are you thinking about?", Joong asked as he placed the shrimp he had peeled on my plate.




"Are you tired, want to rest?"


"No. I'm not tired at all."


"Are you sure?"




"Then you can still come kite flying with me later."


"Y-you play kites?", I said accidentally asking what was on my mind...


"umm...so what?", he asked again.

"N-no....it's okay."


"Then eat,  we'll rest for a while."




To Be Continued

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