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               Life is boring when there's nothing to do, which I'm referring to as not being able to chase any bad guys around or search out any double agents. The RIA has been quiet for five years, ever since Daniel died. I was practically dying of boredom. It's not boring when Sam comes into my HQ office and talks to me about something other than... spy-related stuff. Sam is getting pretty good at being a spy, except she hasn't been practicing lately because... she's about seven months pregnant.

               I am in my office, trying to find a case to investigate. Any case. It can be an escaped convict for all I care. Anything! I gave up looking for a case and leaned back in my swivel chair. Then, Sam entered my office.

               "Hey," she said.

               "Sam!" I called, "I am so glad you're here. I'm bored out of my mind!"

               "Not anymore. Boss wants to see you," she told me. I jumped up and ran out the door. I entered my boss' office.

               "Mr. Graham," I said.

               "Rodriguez," he called, "You're the first one here."

               " 'First one?" I repeated, and then four more agents entered the room. Kevin, Levi, Jake, and Benjamin.

               "Please, sit down," Mr. Graham gestured, closing the door.

               "Any new cases?" I asked.

               "That's why I gathered you all here," he started, "We may have a new case on our hands," The room erupted with clappter. "But it won't be that easy. The RIA has been very quiet lately, and all we figured out is that they have a man. A new spy. He's dangerous, too," he said. "And you five are our top five best spies in the SIU." he finished.

               "Don't worry, we'll get him," I said, overexcited.

               "And that's where he's dangerous. It took twelve common agents to hold him down, and seven professional agents to hold him down," he stated.

               "Damn," I breathed.

               "And that's only when he's not mad. When he is, it takes sixteen common agents, and ten professional agents," he told us. I was speechless. This guy was like a gorilla.

               "What's this guy's name?" I asked.

               "His name is Vladimir, but he goes by 'Vlad'," he answered.

               "Can you tell us the order of the leaderboard of us five?" Jake asked, changing the subject.

               "Going in order from greatest to least: Benjamin, Jake, Levi, Kevin, then Rodriguez," he said. I was last on the leaderboard. That meant that if a common agent got better than me, I wouldn't be on that leaderboard. I had to step up my game.

               "Vladimir isn't the only 'strong' one, though. He's the strongest one, yes, but he also has two very strong sidekicks."

               "How many agents did it take to hold them down?!" I asked.

               "Not-applicable. We only know their first names," he stated. "Jacob and Kayli. Jacob is stronger than Kayli but doesn't know how to control his strength. On the other hand, Kayli is the smart one among the three. She's very temperamental." he said. A woman? There was only one strong woman I knew.

               "So, what are our assignments for this case?" I asked.

               "Benjamin, Jake, Levi, and Kevin are all going to be 'on the lookout, searching where this group is, finding out if they're in America or still in Russia, and you, Rodriguez, have one job. One job. All I need you to do is..." He took an Ace card from a safe. "This. Protect it." he finished.

               "Why?" I asked.

               "Because it's not an Ace card. It's a card you put in a special computer to see where our weak spots are and how to get into the SIU. It also contains all the passwords to everything and pictures of all the agents and identities and addresses and where you live, that sort of stuff, and if the RIA gets it, we would all pretty much be screwed." he told me.

               "Oh," I said, taking the card. "Wouldn't want all that to get into the wrong hands. I'll guard it with my life."

               When our little "meeting" was over, everyone left, but before I could get out the door, Mr. Graham spoke.

               "And Rodriguez, when you say you'll guard it with your life, guard it. With your life."

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