Snowy Tension

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Qilin: aspiring to be like him?

Shadow: nah. I'm not wasting my money on the easy mode of sniping. I hit my target with skill and not with technology.

Qilin: Duvall would rip your head off if he heard that.

Shadow: too bad that he won't. That fucker can suck my dick anyway. We all know that it's true. If he was a great shot then he wouldn't use so many crutches.

AN-94: umm... who is this Duvall?

Shadow: hmm? Oh he's one of our captains. He was in charge of echo company. It consisted mostly of Overwatch snipers.

Qilin: didn't know SFOD units were in echo company.

Shadow: that's because they usually aren't. I was an exception. That's also why I was one of his elite snipers.

Qilin: sly bastard. Grabbing SFOD units even though they're not under his command.

Shadow: work smarter not harder.

Qilin: and you're so proud of it too, you bastard.

Shadow: what can I say. That makes me kinda better than all of you hmm?

Qilin: oh shut up. I'm the end you landed right in my death squad, show off.

We both chuckled.

Shadow: does this answer your question, AN-94?

AN-94: yes...

Shadow: good.

We then noticed that Lockjaw was gone during our talk. We looked around for him until we started to hear some rummaging as I pulled my flashlight out and pointed it to the noise. It was Lockjaw who seemed to have found something.

Lockjaw: yo! Check this out!

Lockjaw went into a room that was hidden from our sight. He pulled something out. It looked like a person. But the person didn't move. Didn't seem alive.

Lockjaw: how awesome is that?!

He pulled one of those Sangvis Ferri T-Dolls out. It looked deactivated. Completely lifeless. But no wounds were on it. It wasn't killed... only the mind was removed.

Qilin: nice find. What do we do with it?

Shadow: use it as target practice?

Qilin: can't waste a resource like that.

Lockjaw: let's cut it open! Look how they look inside...

His face is completely covered but it was obvious that he had a huge smile on his face. I guess this is an opportunity to figure out what's inside of these robots.

Qilin: alright. Let's do it.

I pull my knife out and get closer to the T-Doll. But someone made their discomfort in this situation very noticeable.

AN-94: what no! Ew! That's disgusting!

Qilin: well you don't have to look. AK-15, close her eyes.

AK-15: just don't cut it open. That is unnecessary.

Qilin: why though? We might find some cool thing out about T-Dolls. See what they look in the inside.

AK-15: we mostly look human inside as well. Our organs seems organic at first glance but are artificial. It would be like hitting a human.

AN-94: so can you like... not do it?

Qilin: fine...

Lockjaw: Damn it! That would have been so fun!

Shadow over the Frontline (Madness Combat x Girls Frontline)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu