She wrap her arms into back hugging her and she rest her cheeks on its back and she tigthen her arms around her and sniff her perfume that she will surely miss for a month. "I will really miss you so bad... " Hanni said she hear Minji chuckle and caressed her hand

"I will miss you too so bad, but you know dad was stubborn and we're lucky he's supporting us in all levels so we had to do something to pay for his kindness... Right?" She said and Hanni nods as she slowly go at her side and look at her eyes.

The height difference make the scene more cuter to them. Minji lean down and kiss her lovers lips in a speed of a lightning and go back in cooking "baby can you hand me over the pasta?" Minji asks her and Hanni nods.She slowly let go of her lover and took the pasta and hand it over Minji "stir this for me yeah?" Minji asks again and she gladly obliged as Minji do the pasta she stir the sauce. She's so focused that she didn't know that Minji was holding her arms folding the sleeves of hoodie and guiding her into stirring the sauce. "Make sure not to hurt yourself from cooking okay?" Minji said to her

"Yeah... Ill take care of myself for a month. You owe me a lot once you come back" Hanni said and Minji just nods as she slowly kiss her temples

"I'll give you all of me once i came home to you, even though i know there is nothing left to give" she said and Minji turn off the stove just to face Hanni and walk forward as Hanni steps backwards feeling nervous with the intense gaze Minji had give her when she hit her back lightly at the edge of kitchen counter. Minji carry her and make her sit at the Kitchen counter and like her legs has its own mind and seperated on its own let her lover settle herself between. Minji stare at her and cupped her face. The brunette waste her time into starring at her eyes, at least that's what Hanni thought even Minji was truly starring into her plump lips and proudly saying to herself that those lips belongs to her...

Exclusively just for her and nobody else, and oh how much she love to have those lips on hers for as long as she knows how to breathe. She run her thumb to it as her eyes give Hanni a daring look as if she was seducing her even Hanni was already seduced by her. "Mine... This lips are mine..." Minji said and all Hanni did was to agree.

Its not like she will say no to that conclusion, because there is nobody else she wants to own her lips than Kim Minji, and when Minji slowly lean down she feels like her breathing stop and when those soft and sexy thin lips place on her plump ones?, Hanni lose her shit because of those lips in top of hers

Don't you dare Kim Minji stop kissing me...

I would rather starve to death than let those precious lips of your go...

She stated in her mind, the kiss blow her mind up, the kiss feels special maybe that's because she love the girl who's kissing her and she swear there is no one else that can kiss her than Kim Minji. Kim Minji tilt her head to get a better angle as if her current angle wasn't enough to totally own her mouth, and when Minji bit her lower lips she unconsciously open her lips and let those silly tongue slip inside her mouth.

This is the first time that Minji kiss her like this, full of passion, sexiness, firmness, a match of teeth and tongue and wildness, and how she wish she can kiss her like this again and again.

Im so yours Kim Minji...

She mumble inside her brain already know that this love has taken every little bits of her and she knew once the day Minji asks her if she wants to marry her, the only answer to those questions are Yes, Yes she will marry her into the front of her family and friends, in front of hundred eyes of people just to witness how much she's willing to give Minji all of her, she's willing to say I Do in front of the eye of our almighty god.

Slowly Minji pull away but Hanni eagerly grab her nape befor she even completely go away in a distant and pull her back into its lips leaving Minji startled to the another eagerness of the kiss. She gather herself up and waste no time just to kiss Pham Hanni and let herself fall into her. She already come at the end of all of the conclusion she's Pham Hanni's property now and she will never ever let her go somewhere where she can't reach her again.

Hanni  pulled out a little but their lips brushed into each other letting each others breath hit their face until it numbs like novacaine (𝚒 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 omfg😭😭 𝚒𝚖 𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚣𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚕) "why are you so mine huh?" Hanni said as she gasps for some air and back on pressing their lips together again for a short kiss and pulled out a little once again their lips are still brushing into each other "i can't let you go... You're mine now and im yours baby" Hanni said and kissed her deeper and eagerly

With the short moment that Hanni lets go of her sexy lips and stare at each others soul they share a smile and let their heart connect into each other and the love they have for each other is so much at least you can say that if you saw the way they stare into each other "the food will get cold...i think we better ate" Minji said to interrupt their sweetest moment she smack her arm and roll her eyes

"You know you kill the moment" Hanni said. Minji laughed as she press another kiss on Hanni's lips and smile sweetly

"Come on Pham... We don't want to eat a cold pasta right?" Minji said she roll her eyes again as she slowly get down at the kitchen counter with Minji's guide of course not gonna let her princess hurt herself. Hanni receive so much to the word enough, she received a princess treatment from her lover and she knew she's so spoiled by her.

She settled down at the chair and let Minji serve the food, as soon as Minji sat beside her after serving the pasta they began to dig in at the delicious meal made by Minji and her. Don't call her weird but she thinks the pasta became more delicious because of the love that Minji put in it and she will look for it for a month they are away

"Baby The Amazonas will come visit you here sometimes okay? I mean you're one of them so yeah" Minji joked she didn't know where the hell they get the name Amazonas but she's happy to be part of it because if ever Minji cheat on her she will plot a whole murder for Minji and her mistress with a help of other girls.

"Just make sure that you will go in other country for business Kim Minji... Don't test me... Don't cheat on me and ill make sure to kill your mistress if ever" she warned Minji choked on her food and reach for the water as she cough tears brimmed at the corner of its eyes

"Baby why are you thinking that?" Minji asks as she wipe the tears "look its a business thing so expected that i will meet some of the daughter of our business partners there are rumors that will spread like a virus but don't worry im only yours... I know you're well aware of that baby" Minji said she roll her eyes and drink a water

"Oh i don't know whats running in your mind baby, but just to tell you... You're mine, if i can't have you no one will and no one can" Hanni said and Minji just gave a firm nods as she kissed her cheeks

"You're so cute when you're possesive" Minji said and chuckle

"Im trying to act sexy here miss!" She said

"Im sorry but you're cute baby... " minji said and kiss her lips and feed her with pasta "eat up i thought you're hungry" Minji said and laugh

"I love you! You lucky dimwit!" She said and Minji gave her a thumbs up

"I love you too princess" with that Minji lock their unused hands and continue to eat.

I was so yours and i couldn't let you go for another person Pham Hanni. -Kim Minji.

A/n: angst parts is coming😉 choi soobin will strike again hehe

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